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2nd ERA-ENISA Conference on Cybersecurity in Railways

Published: 01 December 2022 Updated: 30 October 2023
Thursday 01 December 2022, 09:00 - Thursday 01 December 2022, 17:00 (Europe/Brussels)
Lille, Francia

2nd ERA-ENISA Conference on Cybersecurity in Railways

ERA ENISA Cybersecurity Conference 20221201 - 02

ERA ENISA Cybersecurity Conference 20221201 - 03

ERA ENISA Cybersecurity Conference 20221201 - 01

This event is the continuation of the close collaboration between the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) on cybersecurity in the railway domain. 

The topics of this joint event, together with the strong support from the European Commission, will cover:

  • an update of the cybersecurity policy framework (NIS2 Directive, Cyber Resilience Act),
  • examples of railway cyber collaboration at NSA level for safety aspects (FR, DE, FI), 
  • developments on standardisation (IEC, ERJU, ERA), and 
  • stakeholders' perspectives (UNIFE, CER, ERTMS User Group)

The conference will provide networking opportunities aiming at building a railway cybersecurity community. Speakers and participants will share information on the latest developments and raise awareness among railway stakeholders about vulnerabilities caused by cybersecurity threats.




Conference presentations

Policy-0 - DG CNECT - Cyber Resilience Act and NIS2

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Policy-1 - EPSF-ANSSI - FR approach on Railway cybersecurity

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Policy-2 - EBA-BSI - DE approach on Railway cybersecurity

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Policy-3 - Traficom - FI approach on Railway cybersecurity

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GoodPractises-1 - NS - Becoming an OES

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GoodPractises-2 - EDA - Cross-sector cyber challenges (aviation)

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GoodPractises-3 - SNCF - Sharing about cybersecurity on rolling stock projects

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GoodPractises-4 - ENISA - NIS Investments in Transport sector

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SRIS-1 - IEC - PT 63452

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SRIS-2 - ERJU - Rail Cyber Security Standardization

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SRIS-3 - UIC - Cyber Security Solution Platform

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CybSecChallenges-1 - CER - Managing cyber risks in the railway ecosystem

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CybSecChallenges-2 - ERTMS UG - Cybersecurity guidelines in support of ERTMS

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CybSecChallenges-3 - UNIFE - Position on cybersecurity in railway transport

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