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ERA issues a single safety certificate for THALYS

ERA issues a single safety certificate for THALYS

Josef Doppelbauer, Executive Director of ERA, signed today the single safety certificate for THALYS (THI Factory). This certificate is valid for a period of five years and covers an area of operation currently limited to France.

Published: 22 November 2019
NewsPress release

Vision for the target rail system

Published: 13 November 2019

A common single vision for the target railway system would serve as a generic guidance for the various initiatives under development to achieve a s

ERA Page

IPA Summit 2019

Start date: 13 Nov 2019, 08:30 End date: 14 Nov 2019, 17:00 (Europe/Brussels)
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia – Resavska 13-15, 11000 Belgrade, Σερβία

#CCRCC2019 – The ERTMS conference

Start date: 15 Oct 2019, 14:00 End date: 17 Oct 2019, 16:30 (Europe/Brussels)
Cité des Congrès Valenciennes: 1 Esplanade des Rives Créatives de l’Escaut, 59410 Valenciennes, Γαλλία