ERA Work Programmes and Activity Reports
ERA plans its activities through annual or multi-annual work programmes (also known as single programming documents, or SPD). ERA's activity reports provide accounts of the Agency's achievements in a given year.
Documents & Regulations
Retrieve on this page all the latest opinions and technical advice, publications, recommendations, and consultations published by the Agency.
ERA Recommendations
ERA produces various recommendations addressed to the European Commission.
ERA launches studies on various technical areas.
Opinions and technical advices
Opinions and technical advices issued by ERA on request of third parties (European Commission, National Regulatory Bodies or Member States).
ERA consults the social partners, rail freight customers and passengers on draft recommendations before they are submitted to the European Commission.
Corporate publications
ERA's corporate publications keep stakeholders informed about its activities, its achievements as well as its financial and administrative operations.
Media Centre
Everything you need and the ways to contact us, whether you're a journalist, media representative, or railway blogger and influencer.
Railway undertakings service quality reports
All the annual quality reports produced by the railway undertakings, as required by the Rail Passenger Rights Regulation.
NSAs & NIBs annual reports
All the National Safety Authorities and National Investigation Bodies annual reports, as required by the Railway Safety Directive