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Safety Management System (SMS) Page
Report Assessment of achievement of safety targets – 2023 Page
Annual Safety Overview - 2023 Page
Call for expressions of interest (CEI) to establish a list of Independent experts to provide expertise to the European Union Agency for Railways in the field of safety. Page
ERA/OPI/2021-02 Opinion of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding a potential deficiency/discrepancy in the clause Metal and inductive components-free space between wheels of ERA/ERTMS/033281 rev 4.0 Page
Cours de langues à distance pour l’Agence de l’Union européenne pour les chemins de fer Page
Transport of Dangerous Goods Page
Request an Opinion or a Technical Advice Page
ERA endorses the EUAN Charter on Diversity and Inclusion News
Common Safety Methods on Supervision Page
ERA News February 2023 Page
Josef Doppelbauer: “In order to be effective at fighting cybersecurity threats, we need a European approach" ERA in the press
Safety Culture Declaration Page
Conformity Assessment Page
ERA receives the EU Agencies Certificate of Excellence News
New release of OSS News
Women in Transport News
Opinion OPI/2022-6 of the European Union Agency for Railways for Denmark regarding Order n 1361 – 28/09/2022 of Denmark on operating pocket wagons with semi-trailers and two new draft safety rules notified in the SRD Page
Opinion OPI/2022-5 of the European Union Agency for Railways for Austria regarding a national rule of Austria establishing requirements for driving and operating a locomotive independently laid down in the General Railway Act Page
Opinion OPI/2022-4 of the European Union Agency for Railways regarding the proposed interpretation of a national rule of Italy on the detailed rules for the application in the railway sector of Decree N°388 of 15 July 2003 Page