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Created/Updated Page Type
Call for applications for a post of Head of Human Resources in the Resources and Support Unit with a further view to establish a reserve list Page
Call for applications for posts of Administrators (Project Officers) in the field of Safety, Interoperability and ERTMS Page
Call for applications for posts of Project Officers in the Safety Unit (AD6-AD7) Page
NEW CLOSING DATE! Call for applications for a post of Project Officer in the ERTMS Unit with a further view to establish a reserve list Page
Call for applications for a post of Head of Human Resources in the Resources and Support Unit Page
Call for applications for a post of Procurement Assistant in the Resources and Support Unit Page
Call for applications for a post of IT Assistant in the Resources and Support Unit Page
NEW CLOSING DATE! Open call for expression of interest for the mandate of Seconded National Experts (SNEs) in the Safety Unit Page
SERA Regional Conferences and Convention News
SERA Regional Conference Baltic Nordic News
ERA/OPI/2010-09/SAF - Final Technical Opinion to the European Commission on the General Order concerning the documentation of the history and the maintenance of wheelsets of freight wagons in Germany Page
ERA/OPI/2010-19/SAF - Technical Opinion to the European Commission on the decisions issued by the Italian Authorities after the Viareggio accident Page
Common Occurrence Reporting Page
Korean Delegation at the Agency News
ETSI Workshop Developing the Future Radio for Rail Transport, 4-5 July 2018 News
4RP Readiness Survey News
EUMEDRAIL Project Strengthens Collaboration between Europe and Southern Mediterranean region News
6th International Human Factors Rail Conference News
New Project Team for Spectrum Issues News
Promoting of best practice in accident and incident investigation in the EuroMed region Press release