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Results (1052)

Created/Updated Page Type
Call for Applications for 3 Middle-Management posts of Heads of Units in the Railway Systems Department Page
Call for Applications for posts of Administrators (IT Officers) in the Resources and Support Unit Page
Call for applications for a post of Administrator (Project Officer) in the Operational Units Page
Call for applications for two posts of Administrators (Project Officers) in the Analysis and Monitoring Unit Page
Call for applications for two posts of Administrators (Project Officers) in the Analysis and Monitoring Unit Page
Call for applications for a post of Administrator (HR Officer) in the Resources and Support Unit Page
Call for applications for a post of Administrator (HR Officer) in the Resources and Support Unit Page
Call for applications for a post of Information Security and Privacy Officer in the Executive Office and Communication Unit Page
Call for Applications for two posts of Administrators (one IT Security Officer and one IT Officer) in the Resources and Support Unit Page
Call for applications for two posts of Administrators (one IT Security Officer and one IT Officer) in the Resources and Support Unit Page
Call for applications for posts of Project Assistants in the Strategy, Research and International Standards Unit Page
Recommendation on TSIs LOC&PAS, WAG and OPE and ERATV Recommendation
Call for applications for posts of Project Officers in the Strategy, Research and International Standards Unit Page
Consultation on the Agency draft recommendation on the revision of Common Safety Methods on Conformity Assessment (Regulation (EU) 1158/2010 and Regulation (EU) 1169/2010) and Common Safety Method on Supervision (Regulation (EU) 1077/2012) Consultation
Consultation on the preliminary draft of the limited revision of the TSI relating to accessibility for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility (TSI PRM) Consultation
Consultation on the revision of the Technical Specification for Interoperability relating the subsystem rolling stock - Noise Consultation
Consultation on the revision of Regulation (EU) No 445/2011 Consultation
Consultation on the revision of the Technical Specification for Interoperability on Operation and Traffic Management (TSI OPE) Consultation
Consultation on the revision of the Technical Specification for Interoperability on Safety in Railway Tunnels (TSI SRT) Consultation
Consultation on the revision of the TSI relating to telematics applications for passengers (TAP TSI) Consultation