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Results (1052)

Created/Updated Page Type
Prestations de services d’interprétation pour l’agence de l’Union européenne pour les chemins de fer Page
Selection of Banks for the Execution of Payments in EUR Mainly within the SEPA Area Page
Prestations de services médicaux pour le personnel l’Agence de l’Union européenne pour les chemins de fer Page
Assistance for Statistical and Epidemiological Analyses Page
Provision of Evaluation and Feedback Services Page
Use of data and analytics techniques in railways to support better management of the risk of accident Page
Railway cost-benefit data collection Page
Design and construction of ERA's stand for InnoTrans Berlin September 2016 Page
Communication services Page
Feasibility of satellite for railway communication Page
ERA Management Board Paper on the Role of the Executive Board Decision
Call for Applications for a post of Administrator (Project Officer) in the Railway Systems Department Page
Call for Applications for posts of Administrators (Project Officers) in the Operational Department/Unit Page
Mobility between Union Agencies (IAM): Call for Applications for a post of Administrator (Legal Officer) in the Executive Director Office Page
Call for Applications for a post of Administrator (Legal Officer) in the Executive Director Office Page
Call for Applications for posts of Project Officers in the Planning and Approvals Delivery Unit Page
Call for Applications for posts of Project Officers in the Executive Office and Communication Unit Page
Call for Applications for posts of Project Officers in the Executive Office and Communication Unit Page
Call for Applications for posts of Administrators (IT Officers) in the Resources and Support Unit Page
Call for Applications for a Middle-Management post of Head of Unit Finance and Procurement Page