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OSS Migration Successfully Completed

The Agency finalised the migration of the entire OSS application and the database onto the new AZURE Cloud environment.

Published: 27 September 2023
IT Repair picture

OSS Migration: Final Step

The Agency is about to migrate the entire OSS application and the database. This change will be transparent for OSS users.

Published: 20 September 2023

ERA Multimodal Conference 2023

Find here the full recording and photos of the conference organised on 25-26 October in collaboration with the European Commission, and the German and European rail sectors in Hamburg, Germany.

Start date: 25 Oct 2023, 14:00 End date: 26 Oct 2023, 18:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Hotel Hafen Hamburg, Seewartenstraße 9, 20459 Hamburg, Německo
Satellite4Rail Visual Spanish Presidency

Single System for Europe's Train Control Needs Satellite Technology

European Commission, European Union’s rail system authority (ERA), Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail), the European Union Agency for the space programme (EUSPA), and the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union collaborate to leverage satellite technology for rail.

Published: 13 September 2023
NewsPress release

11th ERA Budapest Workshop

The 2023 edition, taking place on 19 October, focuses on "the development of rail safety and interoperability in the context of the 4th Railway Package."

Start date: 19 Oct 2023, 08:40 End date: 19 Oct 2023, 17:30 (Europe/Brussels)

Safety Culture Oversight

Published: 05 July 2023

The Agency has developed a 2-day classroom training for NSA staff, including managers, auditors, inspectors, and analysts, to familiarise them with

ERA Page