ERA is committed to disseminating information related to the European Union framework of railway law to relevant stakeholders. To enhance the application of the railway safety legislation by the individuals and organisations contributing to the railway system, ERA is willing to recognise relevant training courses, delivered in any official language of the European Union.
For this purpose, ERA is piloting a qualification scheme for railway safety training. This initiative was communicated during the European Rail Safety Days, in Tallinn, in September 2023 (see related presentation). A call for submitting applications was then open to any owner of a safety training applicable to railways. 12 organisations submitted an application consisting in training material, information on the trainers’ experience and participants’ feedback.
Applications were evaluated by the ERA team against the following criteria:
- Support to the implementation of the EU railway safety legislation;
- Application to the railways context;
- Alignment with ERA safety approach.
Based on these criteria, 10 candidates were successfully assessed. Lessons learned during the pilot phase in 2024 will be used to design and implement a sustainable qualification scheme for safety training.