Country | Member | Alternate |
| Mr Michael LUCZENSKY Head of the Railway Directorate Federal Ministry for climate action, environment, energy, mobility, innovation and technology Curriculum Vitae | Declaration of interests | Ms Karin GUGGENBERGER Senior Legal Advisor Federal Ministry for climate action, environment, energy, mobility, innovation and technology Curriculum Vitae | Declaration of interests |
| Ms Clio LIÉGEOIS Senior Legal Advisor and Head of the Railway Regulation Service Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport Curriculum Vitae | Declaration of interests | Ms Valérie VERZELE Director General Sustainable Mobility and Railway Policy Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport Curriculum Vitae | Declaration of interests |
| Mr Valentin TSANKOV Executive Director Executive Agency Railway Administration | Ms Eleonora ENEVA Chief expert in Regulation directorate Railway Administration Executive Agency |
| Ms Danijela BARIĆ Professor / Researcher University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences | Mr Damir LAZOR Head of Infrastructure department Railway Safety Agency (Croatia) |
| Mr Jindřich KUŠNÍR Director of Rail Transport Department Ministry of Transport | Mr Luboš KNÍŽEK Head of Conceptions and International Railway Cooperation Unit Ministry of Transport - Department of Railway and Combined Transport |
| Mr Martin GERTZ ANDERSEN Senior Executive Advisor Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority | Ms Laura MEYER HARRISON Head of Division, Rail Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority |
| Mr Indrek LAINEVEER Railway Sector Manager Ministry of Climate | To be appointed shortly |
| Ms Heidi NIEMIMUUKKO Land Transport Director Transport and Communications Agency Curriculum Vitae| Declaration of interests | Mr Risto SAARI Ministerial Advisor Ministry of Transport and Communications |
| Ms Christine CORRAZE Cheffe du bureau de l’interopérabilité ferroviaire Ministère de la transition écologique et de la cohésion des territoires | Mr Samuel BONNIER Directeur des affaires réglementaires, européennes et internationales (à compter du 19 octobre 2020) Etablissement public de sécurité ferroviaire (EPSF) |
| Mr Lothar NEUHOFF Head of Directorate E1 Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Curriculum Vitae| Declaration of interests | Mr Michael SCHMITZ Head of Executive Department German NSA - Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (EBA) |
| Mr Ioannis C. MATSAS Director General for Transport Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Curriculum Vitae | Declaration of interests | Ms Aikaterini FRAGOULOPOULOU Head of Railway Interoperability and Safety Department Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport |
| Mr László VESZPRÉMI Head of Railway Authority Department Ministry of Construction and Transport and Railway Authority Department | Ms Szilvia NAGY Railway coordination and EU matters Ministry of Construction and Transport and Railway Authority Department |
| Ms Caitriona KEENAHAN Head of Governance and Regulation Commission for Railway Regulation | Mr Brian HIGGISSON Commissionner Commission for Railway Regulation |
| Mr Pier Raffaele CATENA Head of Division - Rail transport services - General Directorate for Railway Transport and Infrastructure Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport | Ms Sara CAVALLO Official at the General Directorate for Railway Transport and Infrastructure Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport |
| Mr Patriks MARKĒVIČS Head of Rail division Ministry of Transport / Railway department | Ms Linda GAILITE Deputy Director, Head of Development Department The State Railway Technical Inspectorate (NSA Latvia) |
| Mr Genius LUKOŠIUS Director Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration (LTSA) | Ms Donata Gusčė Deputy Director Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration (LTSA) |
| Mr André BISSEN Gestionnaire dirigeant Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics | Mr Claude MAHOWALD Directeur Administration des chemins de fer (ACF) |
| Mr Hinne J.Y. GROOT Coordinator for international rail affairs Ministry of Infrastucture and Water management | Mr Krijn VAN HERWAARDEN Senior Advisor in international rail affairs ILT - Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (NSA NL) |
| Mr Øystein RAVIK Deputy Director General Norwegian Railway Authority | Mr Erik Ø. REIERSØL-JOHNSEN Director General Norwegian Railway Authority |
| Mr Ignacy GÓRA President Office of Rail Transport (NSA PL) | Mr Paweł RAFALSKI Director of the Office of the President (Office of Rail Transport) Office of Rail Transport (NSA PL) |
| Mr João CAETANO Presidente do Conseiho Diretivo Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes | Ms Amélia AREIAS Head of National Safety Authority Department IMT |
| Mr Petru BOGDAN Director Romanian Railway Safety Authority | Mr Mihai ROȘCA Head of the International Affairs, Communication and Public Relations Unit Romanian Railway Safety Authority |
| Ms Andrea Pap NEUSCHLOVÁ State Advisor Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic | Mr Matúš GÁLIK State Advisor Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic |
| Ms Monika PINTAR MESARIČ Director General of the Directorate for Railways, Cableways, and Traffic Management Ministry of Infrastructure of Slovenia Curriculum Vitae | Declaration of interests | Ms Jana LENARČIČ Head of the International Affairs and Protocol Service Ministry of Infrastructure of Slovenia Curriculum Vitae | Declaration of interests |
| Ms Paloma IRIBAS FORCAT Inspector of Works Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility | Ms Vanesa GARCIA LOZANO Deputy director Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Ferroviaria (AESF) |
| Mr Björn RENBERG Head of railway unit Swedish Transport Agency | Mr Enar LUNDGREN Senior adviser Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure |