It is not necessary to use the issues log for all the questions occurring during the assessment of an application.
The purpose of the issues log is:
- to facilitate the tracking of the resolution of issues (ensuring that all issues are resolved before delivering the decision),
- to alert the various actors on a specific problem that may affect their work,
- to keep the traceability of the resolution of an issue (how it was resolved?), and
- to facilitate the creation of the completeness check and the assessment report by attaching in these reports the main issues discovered.
In practice all communications do not have to go through the issues log and other communication channels can still be used (e.g. phone or email). However, a user is expected to create an issue in the issues log in the following cases:
- the issue needs tracking,
- evidence is to be added to the application file, or
- there is an impact other parties (e.g. the applicant, another authority) or on the application file.
Note that nothing prevents the user to create an issue later on if this appears to be relevant.
Another aspect relates to the formulation of the issue. An issue may contain several questions but in that case, all questions need to be of the same type, have the same due date, etc. and the issue can only be closed when all questions are answered. It is left at the discretion of the user (and ultimately the project manager) to organise this in the most appropriate manner depending on the needs of the project.
Issues shall be created by users as soon as they evaluate that one of the purpose is met.
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