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Organisational Just Culture Training Featured

Organisational Just Culture

The Agency designed a training to provide an approach to just culture that can be implemented in daily operations within railway organisations.

Developing an organisational just culture requires dedication and consistency. Such a culture relies on an open and respectful working atmosphere, where anyone feels confident to speak up and challenge. Safety issues reported by the staff are systematically analysed and acted upon to improve. This is why fostering a just culture is tightly linked with excellent operational and sustainable safe performance.

ERA Organisational Just Culture Basics

Explore our free online basic module: click on the ERA Organisational Just Culture flow

Organisational Just Culture flow chart


The Agency designed a training to provide an approach to just culture that can be implemented in daily operations within railway organisations.

The training focuses on existing railway processes for which mutual trust, confidence and learning are key performance factor. During the training, participants elaborate a realistic action plan to contribute to the development of a just culture inside their organisation.

The training can be online with participants from different organisations or can be adapted to suit the needs of specific organisation. The target audience is wide, from staff dealing with operational and occupational safety, to human resources, communication, union representatives, operational representatives, managers, etc.

On-site - 
company specific
2 days Individually defined. Preferably wide organisational representation: Safety, HR, Frontline Staff, Union Reps., Communication, etc… To be defined from case to case
Online –
company specific
6 modules of 2-2,5 hours Individually defined. Most likely wide organisational representation: Safety, HR, frontline staff, Union reps., Communication, etc… To be defined from case to case
Online –
open session
6 + 2 modules of 2-2,5 hours Those who run or wish to initiate organisational just culture Individual action plan, presented and discussed with other participants
Qualifying trainers 5 days including internal dry-run + observed training National Safety Authorities, who wish to disseminate to the sector
Companies, who wish to disseminate within the organisation
Qualification to disseminate the ERA training