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Israeli and Italian experts meet in Bologna to exchange experience in the field of safety in railway tunnels News
The European Union Agency for Railways and UIC, the worldwide railway organisation, have signed a coordination framework News
Meet ERA at SIFER 2021 News
Benefits of EU harmonised rules and procedures to improve railway safety News
Study: rail travel remains safer than car travel, even during the pandemic Press release
ERA report on fostering the railway sector through the European Green Deal - part 2 freight Press release
Publication of a white paper on Cybersecurity in Railways Press release
EUMedRail seminar on Human and Organisational Factors News
Interim Advice for preparedness and response to cases of COVID-19 at points of entry in the EU / EEA Member States News
1st workshop on Safety Culture Assessment by the Institute for an Industrial Safety Culture (ICSI) and the EU Agency for Railways News
1st Transport Cybersecurity Conference conclusions Press release
The EUMedRail Steering Committee discusses the project plan for 2021 News
ERA publishes COVID-19 Information Bulletin on Ventilation in Railway Vehicles Press release
Report - Fostering the railway sector through the European Green Deal News
4RP transposition deadline postponed to 31st October 2020 News
Karima Delli and the rail freight transport sector call on the Commission and the Member States to foster modal shift News
Temporary measures to be adopted by railway Notified Bodies for the Evaluation activities News
European Commission moves to support pragmatic solutions News
EUMedRail seminar on Safety Management System in Algerian railways News
Telematics application for freight and passengers - ERA and RNE announce the publication of European Rail Primary Codes News