ERA/OPI/2014-8 - Question of UNIFE - Application Guide related to the ERTMS Maintenance Release 1
RISC/EC Consideration: This technical opinion (TO) was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 72 (February 2015)
ERA/OPI/2014-6 - Question and clarification from NB Rail - TSI SRT Subsystem Energy - QC-ENE-006
RISC/EC Consideration: This technical opinion (TO) was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 72 (February 2015)
ERA-OPI-2014-9 - Question from Sweden concerning CCS TSI
RISC/EC Consideration: This technical opinion (TO) was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 72 (February 2015)
TSI CCS – Operational Requirements of Railway Radio Communication Systems
ERA/ADV/2014-19 - Polish Derogation related to CCS TSI
ERA/OPI/2014-7 - Question and clarification from NB Rail concerning the colorimetric requirements QC-RST-018
RISC/EC Consideration: This technical opinion (TO) was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 71 (November 2014)
ERA-ADV-2014-18 - The project 'Ersatzmaßnahme Schlüchterner Tunnel'
ERA-ADV-2014-16 - Request for Derogation for the implementation of TSI SRT for the project 'Galleria Capaci'
Railway Safety Performance in the European Union 2014
ERA/OPI/2014-1 Regarding Question and CLarification NB RAIL QC-RST-015
ERA/OPI/2014-3 - Transition period for Interoperability constituents in PRM TSI
ERA-OPI-2014-2 - Opinion regarding Question and Clarification NB Rail -QC-INF-011
2014 Assessment of Achievement of Common Safety Targets
ERA-ADV-2014-12 - Derogation for the implementation of TSI SRT for the project City tunnel - Leipzig (CTL)
ERA-ADV-2014-11 - Vehicle authorisation in Germany (locomotive series 1800)
Biennial report on the Progress with Railway Interoperability in the European Union 2013
ERA-ADV-2014-1 - The Agency's advice regarding the extended application of the GE marking
ERA-ADV-2013-14 - The Agency's advice regarding NB RAIL-RFU-RST-079 concerning criteria for a train departing from a platform
RISC/EC Consideration: The advice was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 68 held on 23-24/10/2012.
ERA/ADV/2013-13 - The Agency's Advice regarding Standards for accreditation of NoBos
ERA-ADV-2013-11 - The Agency's Advice regarding the question and clarification from NB Rail concerning section 4.2.20 of TSI INF HS
RISC/EC Consideration: The advice was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 68 held on 23-24/10/2013. The Commission services intend to take into account this advice in the legal act(s) repealing the TSI(s) concerned and currently in force.