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Analysis and Monitoring Page
OPINION ERA/OPI/2024-1 of the European Union Agency for Railways for Denmark regarding one adopted rule setting requirements on infrastructure manager on technical safety rules Page
Selection of banks for the execution of payments in euro and other currencies (in SEPA, outside the SEPA area and in NON-EUR European countries) Page
ERTMS 2024 Conference Event
ERA: 20 Years of Empowering European Railways Page
Working at ERA Page
Register of Records Processing Activities Page
Free Webinar: Knowledge as a Pillar of Railway Safety Event
Technical Specifications for Interoperability Page
I am interested in a third-party safety training (ERA pilot qualification scheme) Page
External Services for Information Systems Development on Interoperable Data (ESISDID) Page
Investigating SMS Training - May 2024 Training
DECISION n° 348 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency on the adoption by analogy Decision C (2024) 1038 of 21-02-24 on the transfer of pension rights Page
Information Sharing System Page
DECISION n° 347 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways authorising the ED to request the EC’s agreement on the draft MB Decision concerning the probationary and management trial period and the annual appraisal of the ED Page
DECISION n° 346 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways on the appointment of a Management Board member as an observer to follow the Executive Director selection procedure Page
DECISION n° 345 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways on the election of its Deputy Chairperson Page
DECISION n° 344 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways appointing the Management Board Chairperson Page
Human and Organisational Factors (HOF) Page
Austria has been migrated to EVR News