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European Rail Safety Days 2021: Programme and Presentations

– Safety Culture

12:00 - 13:00

Registration and light lunch

13:00 - 13:30

Opening: Keynote Speeches

13:30 - 14:00

European Rail Safety Climate Survey: High Level Results and First Learnings

14:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 - 17:00

Workshop Session A

Workshop #1 – How just is your safety culture?

When things are going as planned and business is as usual it is not difficult to keep an open mind and practice a ‘just culture’. However, when facing undesirable events and pressure is abound, how will people in the organisation behave? This could be a stress test for a culture for safety and reflect the organisation’s dominant notions about people and safety and how to combine the two. In this workshop participants will explore and discuss this important challenge.

  Speaker : 

  • Frank Guldenmund


Workshop #2 – Learning from and acting upon the first European Rail Safety Climate Survey

This workshop aims at learning from and acting upon the first implementation of the European Rail Safety Climate Survey (ERA-SCS). It welcomes representatives of organisations that have partnered up with the Agency in the context of the ERA-SCS, who will be asked to share their experience and how their organisation benefits from the survey results.

  Speaker : 

  • Zsófi Berkes
  • Grégory Rolina


Workshop #3 – Take ownership to influence organisational and safety culture

What are the practices you have in place to enhance awareness & accountability for safety issues? During the workshop, participants will get acquainted with an approach called ‘Safety Culture in Circles’, based on Dr Edgar H. Schein’s research on ‘Organizational Culture and Leadership’ and WANO ‘Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety Culture’, which aims at better understanding the factors that might impact the safety culture.

  Speaker : 

  • Regina Celia Scheer


Workshop #4 – Coaching: Know Yourself – Self-Awareness for Strong Leadership

As strong leaders we must know and understand ourselves, to be able to let grow others. This starts by understanding our strengths and weaknesses, by knowing what we strive for and what we are good at. In this context, participants will have the honour to meet a part of themselves called their “Inner Saboteur”, who wants us playing small, hidden away from being powerful and authentic. Taming our saboteur will help us to move from a victim mindset to an active, self-responsible role and become great and charismatic leaders.

  Speaker : 

  • Lydia Haferburg


Workshop #5 – How to integrate Human and Organisational Factors in railway investigations?

The objective is to share with participants the content and approach of a new training on Human and Organisational Factors (HOF). Participants will discover how the integration of HOF into the safety management system can be facilitated from an investigator's perspective. An overview of the training, a few examples, a video and, at least one complete exercise will be addressed. The workshop will be participative and interactive.


  Speaker : 

  • Fabrizio Carpinelli


Workshop #6 – What to consider when developing organisational just culture?

The workshop includes examples of the positive effects of a mature organisational just culture and will facilitate group discussions on a case study implementation of just culture in Irish Rail, covering both the railway undertaking and the infrastructure manager. Participants will discuss a particular phase of implementing a just culture. Information on the planned roadmap in Irish Rail will be provided and participants will be invited to critique the approach, using their own experience to highlight strengths, challenges and gaps. The output of the workshop will therefore be a solid roadmap to implementing just culture in the railway context which participants can bring back to their own organisations.


Speaker : 

  • Nora Balfe
  • Kim Drews


Workshop #7 – Influencing safety culture: how regulatory oversight can have a positive impact

Safety authorities, through their routine activities and interactions with operational organisations, unmistakably influence the development of safety culture. Nevertheless, recent research carried out in various sectors has identified different approaches. The workshop will introduce in a pragmatic way, several “regulatory oversight strategies” to be implemented by national safety authorities to positively impact the safety culture of railway undertakings and infrastructure managers. Participants will be invited to discuss these strategies from their own perspective, whether they belong to a rail or a regulatory organisation.

  • Introduction
  • Promotion based strategy: presentation of the promotion activities of DRSI (NSA BE)
  • Regulation based strategy: presentation of the DRSI “safety management practices” model
  • Wrap up

Speaker : 

  • Anthony Byrne
  • Beatrijs Claeys
  • Nathalie Namavar


Workshop #8 – Safety critical components: issues and methodology

The management of Safety Critical Components (SCCs) is a mandatory requirement by European legislation for all vehicles. The presentation is focused on the methodology to identify and manage the SCCs. In addition, some practical arrangements are given in order to fulfil the requirements related to SCCs.


Speaker : 

  • Giuseppe Ragusa
  • Nathalie Duquenne


Workshop #9 – Risk assessment, interactive demonstration of practical application

The workshop will demonstrate how risk can be assessed depending on different perspectives. It will start with an interactive discussion between two actors on a practical case. To emphasise that there is not only one correct outcome for the risk assessment, this interactive discussion will extend to the group, to reflect as many positions as possible for risk control. Risk assessment is a team project and the results depend on the circumstances of application and costs of various options for controlling the identified risks.


Speaker : 

  • Marc Geisler
  • Olivier Castellani


Workshop #10 – Human and Organisational Factors toolkit for change management

This participative workshop explores the challenge of integrating HOF in change management and risk analysis. Participants will consider their own approach to HOF integration in all projects and explore suggested tools and techniques for making a difference to human and organisational performance.

Speaker : 

  • Clarisse Lagaize Davoine
  • Jayne Yeo
17:00 - 17:15

Move to next session

17:15 - 18:15

Workshop Session B

Session A replicated

18:15 - 18:45

Day 1 Closure


Evening: Gala dinner

– Safety Culture

08:30 - 09:00

Registration and coffee

09:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15

Session 2: Rail safety experience feedback - Part 1: F1 Control major risks

11:15 - 11:45

Coffee break

11:45 - 13:15

Session 2: Rail safety experience feedback - Part 2: F2 Understand workplace reality

13:15 - 14:30

Lunch break

14:30 - 15:30

Session 3: Learning from safety critical sectors - Part 1: F3 Learn from experience

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 - 17:45

Session 3: Learning from safety critical sectors - Part 2: F4 Integrate safety consistently

18:00 - 18:15

Day 2 Closure

– Engaging maintenance partners in safety leadership

08:30 - 09:00

Registration and coffee

09:00 - 09:15

Day 3 Opening

09:15 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:15

Coffee break

11:15 - 12:15

Session 5 – Round table: The future of maintenance

12:15 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00

Lunch break

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