FAQ content
Anyone who will create, participate, supervise and/or submit an application for a vehicle authorisation or a single safety certificate can create an account in the OSS. A user account shall correspond to a physical person as it is needed to identify who is performing actions in the OSS. ERA discourages the use of a generic or functional account due to the security risks introduced by such practice.
A user account can be easily created from the OSS portal.
To deactivate a user account, the organisation shall fill in the contact form on our website, selecting “One-Stop Shop” for the type of request and specifying the details of the account (last name, first name, email address, organisation and business domain) to be created or deactivated.
If you are staff member of the Agency or of a national safety authority, your account will be created or deactivated by your organisation. Please submit your request to the OSS user manager within your organisation.
If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us via: servicedesk
era [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: OSS%20Support) (email)