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One-Stop Shop (OSS)

There is an access to the Contact Us form within each FAQ item. As we are currently experiencing a large number of requests, you are strongly recommended to read the FAQs of your subject matter or to search the website for your inquiry before contacting us. 

FAQ content

An application submitted in the OSS is only accessible to the user that created and submitted it. That user has however the possibility of sharing the application with one or more other users by specifying the email address associated with their user account. From the list of applications, select the option “Share application” in the menu corresponding to the application to share.

When sharing an application, all the users have the same access rights to the application. They will receive notifications relevant for their application and can use the issue log etc.

If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us via: servicedeskatera [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: OSS%20Support) (email)

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An applicant only has access to the application he creates. He can share the application with other users. When the application is submitted, the file is registered and dispatched to the concerned authority or authorities.

Different roles can be assigned to the authorities’ users in the OSS. Depending on the role(s) they are assigned to, these users have different access rights, e.g. the project manager prepares the assessment report while a decision-maker approves it. In any case, only the applicant is able to amend its application file.

If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us via: servicedeskatera [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: OSS%20Support) (email)

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Anyone who will create, participate, supervise and/or submit an application for a vehicle authorisation or a single safety certificate can create an account in the OSS. A user account shall correspond to a physical person as it is needed to identify who is performing actions in the OSS. ERA discourages the use of a generic or functional account due to the security risks introduced by such practice.

A user account can be easily created from the OSS portal.

To deactivate a user account, the organisation shall fill in the contact form on our website, selecting “One-Stop Shop” for the type of request and specifying the details of the account (last name, first name, email address, organisation and business domain) to be created or deactivated.

If you are staff member of the Agency or of a national safety authority, your account will be created or deactivated by your organisation. Please submit your request to the OSS user manager within your organisation.

If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us via: servicedeskatera [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: OSS%20Support) (email)

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OSS sends automatic notifications to users. These notifications provide relevant information (e.g. progress of the application, new issues raised by the assessors, the decision taken by the authority) on one or more applications submitted in the OSS or that are shared with the users.

The notifications relevant for an application are visible in the OSS but it is possible to receive them also by emails by changing the setting of your user profile.

If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us via: servicedeskatera [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: OSS%20Support) (email)

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Best practices for securing the information in the OSS have been followed during the development phase. Access to the OSS is based on the identification of users using an email address and a password. The password has to be renewed periodically and must comply with the password rules. The HTTPS protocol is used to ensure secure communication between your web browser and our server.

If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us via: servicedeskatera [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: OSS%20Support) (email)

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Your personal data, such as contact details or other, will be processed in accordance with our privacy statement.

If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us via: servicedeskatera [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: OSS%20Support) (email)

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Submitting a report means pressing the button “submit” in the OSS (for a form). Once a report is submitted it becomes read-only to the user depending on its role(s).

Such action can be reverted, meaning reset to a state where it can be edited again by the user, by pressing the button “Request update” in the related form.

This action is possible by the recipient of the submitted form:

  • The project manager when the form is submitted by the assessor or assuror
  • The decision-maker when the form is submitted by the project manager

The button “Request update” is used to revert the submission of a report.

If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us via: servicedeskatera [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: OSS%20Support) (email)

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Three OSS environments are available:

  • OSS PROD: this environment is the environment where applicants shall officially submit their applications and NSA/Agency users work on the real dossiers
  • OSS UAT: this environment has the same release of the tool as OSS PROD environment; users may exercise themselves in that environment; this environment is not secure and confidential information shall not be provided there
  • OSS SAT: this environment receives the new candidate release of the tool and has for purpose to test the candidate release before deploying it to UAT and PROD; this environment may be used to understand new features; this environment is not secure and confidential information shall not be provided there

Each environment requires a separate account to login. This means that applicants need to register separately in the different environments wanted and, NSA and Agency users shall request the creation of their accounts in the wanted environments.

The Agency provides trainings for the OSS. In case you are interested in such training please send an oss [dot] trainingatera [dot] europa [dot] eu (email) to receive the calendar and the registration information.

If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us via: servicedeskatera [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: OSS%20Support) (email)

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FAQ content
  • FAQs related to vehicle (type) authorisation process (vehicle type holder, authorisation for tests, language to use, what to do after authorisation, etc.) can be found here.
  • FAQs related to Single Safety Certification process (residual concern, language to use, timeframes, information to include in the application, etc.) can be found here.
  • FAQs related to the use of OSS for Vehicle Authorisation (evidence, ERATV Type ID, point of attention when applying, etc.) can be found here.
  • General information for applicants for Vehicle Authorisation (guidances, legal texts, etc.) can be found here.
  • General information for applicants for Single Safety Certificate (guidances, legal texts, etc.) can be found here.

If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us via: servicedeskatera [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: OSS%20Support) (email)

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