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About the Survey

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The Agency helps the partners design their own questions to better align the survey with their needs (e.g. organisational structure). ERA also supports the partners’ communication activities by providing a dedicated communication toolkit. Indeed, the usefulness of the partner's results also depends on the response rate. Dissemination of the survey is key to increase the response rate.

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The survey is comprised of two main parts. The first part includes a welcome text and the profile questions that describe the respondents. The second part is a set of 48 safety statements. 

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On the partner side, the person or the team involved in the customisation should understand the basic concepts of safety culture and safety management, as well as have an understanding of the organisation’s structure and internal communication channels.

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It depends on the organisation, its size, structure and the communication plan. One week might be sufficient for a small company, but larger ones can take up to 2 months. In any case, the decision should be made in order to allow the highest response rate.

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The standard version has been designed by the Agency to capture the safety perceptions of European railway professionals. Each response provided via this unique version will be used to improve the understanding of the safety climate of the railway sector in Europe.

The partner version is a dedicated version elaborated together with a partner – an organisation that choses to cooperate with ERA for a better understanding of their own safety climate. It contains the same standard questions and statements, but might contain additional ones added on the request of the partner. The results are not only used for the European analysis, but are made available for the partner to use as input in improvement activities. 

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It takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey, including the profile questions and the safety statements. There is no time limit, but we encourage the respondents to reply spontaneously. 

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The ERA-SCS is a standardised European tool allowing to capture the safety perception of railway professionals. It has been developed with the support of experts working in all parts of the railway system and can be used in any kind of organisation, including operational companies, manufacturers and service providers, as well as regulatory bodies.

The survey is based on the European Railway Safety Culture Model, which is a comprehensive framework to support the development of a positive safety culture within railway organisations. By using the EUSurvey interface, it is easy to access and available in all EU languages. The results will contribute to a better understanding of safety culture of European Railways.

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