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European Rail Safety Days on 3 - 5 November 2021

Published: 03 November 2021 Updated: 30 October 2023
Wednesday 03 November 2021, 09:30 - Friday 05 November 2021, 17:30 (Europe/Brussels)
Alfandega Congress Centre, EDIFÍCIO DA ALFÂNDEGA, R. Nova da Alfândega,, 4050-430 Porto, Portugāle

The 2021 European Rail Safety Days have come to an end! All the recordings of this event can be found here.

The overarching focus of this edition will be Safety Culture. Under this umbrella, the conference will deal with a variety of safety related topics with inspiring presentations from operational experts and leaders across high-risk industries.

The conference starts on 3 November at 13:00 with keynote speeches on Safety Leadership and with a series of workshops that will stimulate discussions on rail safety. 

This day will also display the results of the European Rail Safety Climate Survey. It is the first of its kind in any high-risk sector at a European scale, launched by the Agency and endorsed by the European Commission, which intends to improve railway safety in Europe. The main event day, 4 November, is structured around the railway safety fundamentals, and offers a number of presentations sharing practical experience from railways and other industries, as well as the possibility to debate with the presenters. On 5 November the event will discuss maintenance of vehicles and infrastructure today and in the future, marking the end of the European Rail Safety Days.  


European Rail Safety Days 2021: Programme and Presentations


The conference fee is EUR 100 until 15 October. After this date, the fee will increase to EUR 150. This fee includes the participation to the three-day conference, the Gala dinner on 3 November and a networking session on 4 November. 

You will receive a confirmation by e-mail with your badge once you have completed your registration. If you do not get the confirmation, please contact railsafety2021atera [dot] europa [dot] eu (railsafety2021[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu).

Access to the conference will only be possible after online registration is completed. Due to the current sanitary measures, you will need to comply with the requirements set by the Portuguese authorities at the time to access the venue. 

Please follow this link to register to the conference

You are advised to use Google Chrome to access the registration page

Participants who have not yet created an EU Login (ECAS) account would need to create one by submitting a name, surname and a valid email address. This is a very simple and fast procedure for everyone before he/she can be redirected to the registration page. Please see below further instructions.

For any further questions, please contact the railsafety2021atera [dot] europa [dot] eu (conference team)

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