ERA/ADV/2017-3 - Advice of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding the certification according to withdrawn TSIs
RISC/EC Consideration: The Advice was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 81 (January 2017).
ERA/OPI/2017-7 - Opinion of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding a possible revision of INF TSI - rail fastening systems
RISC/EC Consideration: The Opinion was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 81 (January 2017).
Consultation on the revision of Regulation (EU) No 445/2011
ERA/ADV/2017-2 - Advice of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding Interoperability Constituent — ‘running gear’ - structural design of bogie frame
RISC/EC Consideration: The Advice was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 81 (January 2017).
Agency proposal for the Commission Implementing Act on ‘EC’ declaration of verification of subsystems and templates
Recommendation on the specification for the European Vehicle Register (EVR) referred to in Article 47 of Directive (EU) 2016/797 and repealing Decision 2007/756/EC
Recommendation on the TAF-TSI - baseline release version 2.2
Railway Safety Performance in the European Union 2017
ERA/OPI/2017-4 - Opinion of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding a possible revision of CCS TSI - rolling stock compatibility with axle counters
RISC/EC Consideration: The Opinion was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 81 (January 2017).
Recommendation on the amendment of Commission Regulation No 1302/2014
ERA/OPI/2017-5 of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding a possible revision of CCS TSI - test specifications
Recommendation on closure of open point related to interface protocols between EMS and DCS and transferred data format and editorial changes amending the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1301/2014
Recommendation on closing of open points and additional modifications related to INF TSI
ERA/OPI/2017-3 - Opinion of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding a potential deficiency of the ENE TSI
RISC/EC Consideration: The Opinion was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 80 (November 2017).
ERA/ADV/2017-1 – Advice of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding newly produced interoperability constituents for the infrastructure subsystem
RISC/EC Consideration: The Advice was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 79 (July 2017).
ERA/OPI/2017-1 - Opinion of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding PRM TSI deficiencies
RISC/EC Consideration: The Opinion was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 79 (July 2017).