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ERA/ADV/2017-2 - Advice of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding Interoperability Constituent — ‘running gear’ - structural design of bogie frame

Published: 21 December 2017

RISC/EC Consideration: The Advice was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 81 (January 2017).


The Advice concerns bogies holding an IC certificate issued according to the former TSI WAG, without assessment of the strength of the bogie frame. It offers additional elements of clarification on how to evaluate compliance with the requirement ‘Structural design of bogie frame’ set out in point of the current TSI WAG.

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Advice ERA-ADV-2017-2

English (211.97 KB - PDF)


RISC/EC Consideration: The Advice was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 81 (January 2017).