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Impedance between wheels

Harmonised parameter: The electrical resistance between the running surfaces of the opposite wheels of a wheelset does not exceed 0.05 Ohm, measured by a voltage between 1.8 VDC and 2.0 VDC (open circuit). Justification: A track circuit is only able to detect rolling stock if the impedance between rails does not exceed a certain value, given by the impedance of the opposite wheels of the wheelsets and the contact resistance at the wheel-rail surface. The interface requirement given here is only related to the electrical resistance between the running surfaces of the opposite wheels of a wheelset. Remark: operational rules may apply to ensure that a sufficiently low value of the contact resistance is maintained during service: see 3.1.4 (Use of sanding equipment), 3.1.5 (On board flange lubrication) and 3.1.6 (Use of composite brake blocks)
Control-Command and Signalling
Document Type
ERA Technical Document
Origin document

Technical document ERA/ERTMS/033281 Interfaces between Control-command and signalling trackside . V. 4.0, 2018

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