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What format shall the Certificate number have, are other formats accepted?

The EC Certificate number shall follow the harmonized format provided in RFU-STR-001:

NNNN / T / M / YEAR / SSS / C1C2 / #

Other formats (see examples below) will not be accepted in ERADIS:

NNNN - T - M - YEAR - SSS - C1C2 - #

NNNN _ T _ M _ YEAR _ SSS _ C1C2 _ #

The following mistakes are not reason for not publishing an EC Certificate. However, NoBos can be asked to correct them in future issued EC Certificates:

  • Reference to the applied module. Each Certificate must be issued according to a unique module. E.g., NNNN/T/SB+SD/YEAR/SSS/C1C2/# is an incorrect number.
  • Reference to the year of issue. The year of issue must include 4 digits. In no case should be reduced to 2 digits. E.g., NNNN/T/M/19/SSS/C1C2/# is an incorrect number.
  • Reference to the subsystem concerned. The only possible subsystems are INF, RST, ENE, CCO and CCT. E.g., NNNN/T/M/YEAR/NOI/C1C2/# is an incorrect number.
  • Reference to the languages used in the Certificate. In case of two languages, they have to be referenced using the EU codes and they don’t have to be separated by any character. E.g., NNNN/T/M/YEAR/SSS/DE-EN/# is an incorrect number.