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Management Board Meeting 50 on 25 September 2019

Meeting place: Lille, France

Summary of decisions


  • The minutes of the 49th Management Board meeting of 4 June 2019
  • DECISION n°207 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways amending the Single Programming Document 2019 (amendment n°2)
    The Agency was, at the end of 2018, mandated with the task of preparing the CSM on the assessment of Safety levels and Safety performance of railway operators at national and Union level, originally to be executed in 2020. However, after the train accident in Denmark, the EC requested an acceleration of this mandate. Consequently, the MB agreed that SPD 2019, adopted in November 2018 (Decision no. 186/2018), is amended to reflect this new task in Activity 1 (Objective 1.3), Activity 2 (Objective 2.1) and Activity 4 (Objective 4.4).
  • DECISION n°208 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways on delegating the power for requesting agreement from the authorities in DG HR to derogate / opt-out from Commission Decisions to the Executive Director
    On 02.09.2019 the authorities in DG HR informed the Agency that the Management Board has to officially request the agreement from the relevant authorities in DG HR to
    • derogate (i.e. introduce amendments from the original decision before formal adoption by the MB), and
    • opt-out (i.e. non-application of the decision)
    from the application by analogy of Commission Decisions. Each time the Commission adopts Decisions from which the Agency needs to derogate/opt-out, the Agency’s Management Board shall delegate the power to request agreement from the authorities in DG HR to the Executive Director.
  • DECISION n° 209 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways amending MB Decision n°194 establishing procedures for decision-making by the Executive Director in relation to authorisations for placing vehicles on the market, single safety certificates, and ERTMS track-side approvals
    In order for the Executive Director to take decisions on VA, SSC, and ERTMS trackside deployment approvals in accordance with Articles 14, 20, 21 and 22 of Regulation (EU) 2016/796, and considering that the timeframe for the decisions would be tight and need to be taken quickly as well as recognizing that in case of absences of the decision maker, the delivery of approvals system should be able to function, the Management Board adopted adopted Decision n°194 in its meeting of 24 January 2019, putting in place a system of delegations of powers to ensure that the decisions are taken at the proper level, guaranteeing business continuity in his absence, and in line with the requirements of the applicable legislation. This Decision needed amendment in light of the Agency’s re-organisation.
  • Agreed to meet on 27 November 2019 in Valenciennes.