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ERA-ADV-2012-2 - The Agency's advice regarding the application from Siemens and Bombardier for an innovative solution related to the TSI CR LOC and PAS

Published: 18 February 2012

RISC/EC Consideration: The Advice was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 66 held on 23/01/2013. The Commission services intend to implement this advice in the legal act(s) amending the TSI(s) concerned and currently in force.


The Agency's advice regarding the application from Siemens and Bombardier for an innovative solution related to the TSI CR LOC and PAS, clause "Mechanical and geometrical characteristics of wheelsets", point "Mechanical behaviour of axles".

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Advice ERA_ADV_2012-2

English (298.71 KB - PDF)


RISC/EC Consideration: The Advice was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 66 held on 23/01/2013.

The Commission services intend to implement this advice in the legal act(s) amending the TSI(s) concerned and currently in force.