Mathias Vanden Auweele
Teamlead data centricity
15 years of experience leading business data and digitalisation projects at Infrabel. Ex-national representative at CENELEC TC9 & EIM ex-speaker for ENE WG. Inventor and gardener at home. European Union, Railway, Sustainability and Linked Data supporter.
Why you should be Linking your Data now!
Unlock the full potential of your digital systems by Linking your Data now! Discover how standardisation in Data using Semantic Technology can save your company a data disaster, enhance knowledge sharing, and pave the way for innovative solutions. You will explore the power of Linked Data and why it’s not just the future—it’s the present.
Data centricity at Infrabel
Infrabel presents their data centricity program which is built on 4 pillars: an enterprise data model, the right data published at the moment of creation, a data centric ecosystem and an enterprise data helpdesk.