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Veronika Heimsbakk

Veronika Heimsbakk

Knowledge Graph Lead

Veronika is a dedicated and enthusiastic outreach of the wonders of semantic knowledge graphs. Recently awarded among Norway’s Top 50 Women in Tech. She has about 10 years’ experience from the field, mainly for clients in public sector. Her main niche within the space is everything SHACL.

The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) has since 2020 established an automated pipeline for machine-readable regulatory requirements as a semantic knowledge graph. It implements technologies for bringing regulations in plain text into nodes in RDF, using SHACL for constraint descriptions. Now, the NMA are in an extensive enrichment phase, where their requirement graph will connect to all aspects of the maritime domain. This talk will give you a glimpse into their world of semantic linked data, and what that means for the NMA.