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Adrien Decruyenaere

Adrien Decruyenaere


Adrien Decruyenaere is an IT and Technology executive in the Transport & Mobility sector. He has held key positions in large industry players, leading the deployment of Denmark's Rejsekort ticketing system for Thales and global programs for Smiths Detection. At Comutitres, he digitalized the Paris mass transit Navigo pass and expanded the company. At the end of 2023, he became RailData CEO to develop data exchange in European rail freight.

The presentation will present RailData experience in TAF RU-TU communication, with some related volumes, challenges and opportunities.

The main purpose of RailData is to develop, implement and run centralised IT Systems, designed to ensure data exchange between European freight Railway Undertakings, as well as with Wagon Keepers and other relevant companies. Rail Data is a special group of the UIC.