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Brede Dammen

Brede Dammen

Product owner national journey planner and standardisation

Brede Dammen is an advocate for open standards, open data and open source code by building an international collaboration on OpenTripPlanner (OTP). With the aim to help travelers choose sustainable transport over private cars, Brede participates in standardization and challenges legislation and regulations in the interest of world-class cross-border data quality. Brede promotes modern system development for the mobility sector.

Multimodal distribution based on European standards – advantages and challenges

Cross border multimodal information and booking requires use of standardization, in this session we will cover Entur’ way to a fully national infrastructure which enables cross border solutions. Why use standards, why do it open source, what we have done, the outcomes we see, and further plans. All in context of Transmodel, NeTEx, SIRI, and other relevant standards.

Entur has been established and is owned by the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and is intended to offer basic public transport services within travel planning and ticketing on competition-neutral terms. Entur contributes to achieving important transport policy goals such as simpler everyday travel, increased value, efficient use of new technology, Norway's climate and environmental goals. Entur connects mobility transport in Norway, and collaborates with the actors in the transport sector to achieve simple, sustainable travels.