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ERTMS 2022 Conference: the Detailed Agenda and all the Slides

Day 1 : Workshops -

12:00 - 13:00
Registration and welcome coffee
13:00 - 13:15
Opening: Introductory remarks

Matthias Ruete

European Coordinator


Matthias Ruete is the European Coordinator for ERTMS, DG MOVE since January 2019. He was the Director General at the European Commission for Transport (2006-2014) and Home Affairs (2014-2018). He served as Director for Competitiveness (2005), Director for enlargement negotiations (2000-2004) and Director for International Transport, Galileo and Trans-European Infrastructure Networks (1998-2000). He holds a master’s in law (London) and a doctorate in intellectual property law (Giessen).

As the ERTMS rollout is reaching a tipping point, this intervention will focus on presenting the state of play of the current deployment, both on-board and trackside and outline a forecast for the years to come. Furthermore, challenges and opportunities linked to an accelerated and synchronised deployment of ERTMS on the whole TEN-T network, and the vehicles using it, with a deadline for phasing out of national signalling systems by 2040, will be identified and analysed.

Karel Vinck

Former ERTMS Coordinator of the European Commission

After a long career as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman in several Private European Industrial Groups and the Belgian Railways, Karel joined DG Move of the European Commission in 2005 as the ERTMS Coordinator until 2018. Working as an advisor, Karel currently supports a project of introducing ERTMS in the Southeast Asian region.

ERTMS is the instrument to lead the Railways into the 21st Century. The European Union has a recognized technology and leadership in deploying it. The model of different stakeholders working together to make it an European success is unique. Let us implement it faster in the European Union and further promote it worldwide as an industrial project which can contribute to the economic and social well-being of countries or regions.

13:15 - 14:45


Workshop #1 – ERTMS deployment trackside and on-board. Opportunities and Challenges

The objective of this workshop is to present some best practices and discuss the opportunities and challenges linked to the accelerated and synchronised trackside and on-board ERTMS deployment.

  Speaker : 

  • Marcin Wojcik  


Workshop #2 – Existing challenges for ERTMS retrofitting and installation

The main objective of this workshop is to present the key steps to carry out an ERTMS installation or ERTMS retrofit project within a vehicle, with a particular focus on the technical aspects. During the workshop, we will also be discussing on how to organise the project in order to achieve optimal type authorization and conformity to type, and how to prepare for the next steps.

  Speaker : 

  • Marcin Wojcik
  • Oscar Rebollo


Workshop #3 – On-board and trackside architecture as foreseen in the TSI CCS 2022

This workshop will provide information about the trackside and on-board signalling architecture as it is foreseen for the TSI CCS 2022. Based on this input, the participants will be invited by the moderators to ask questions and discuss the architecture from different perspectives. Finally, the attendees may provide their feedback on the current status and their expectations about the future evolution of the architecture.

 Speaker : 

  • Klaus Mindel


Workshop #4 – Implementing ATO over ERTMS early feedback from implementation

This session will be the occasion for participants to get information on key pilot lines, demonstrations and projects that have already tested or implemented ATO over ETCS. 

This will include feedback from: 

  • ATO GoA2 – Betuwe line 
  • Hamburg S-Bahn operation with ATO 
  • ATO tests in Switzerland and United Kingdom in the framework of S2R

Participants will be provided with insights on these projects and will be able to get more insight on technical and operational aspects surrounding them.

 Speaker : 

  • Lea Paties


Workshop #5 – Maximum performance through ETCS

This workshop is aimed at capacity experts and others who would like to get a much broader idea of what can actually be done to maximize capacity with the current “toolbox” of ETCS. Topics might include issues such as braking curves, block divisions, system delays as well as planning details and technologies.

 Speaker : 

  • Peter Reinhart
  • Daniel Scherrer


Workshop #6 – TSI CCS modifications and expected impact

The presentation focuses on providing the main changes in the TSI CCS 2022 text.  These can be categorised in the following 2 main areas, the main technical changes within the ERTMS specifications and the impact of these specification changes on the implementation frameworks for vehicle and trackside projects.

 Speaker : 

  • Wouter Malfait
  • Juan Hernández Fernández


Workshop #7 – FRMCS introduction: strategies and perspectives

The introduction of a new Class A radio system requires an update of the TSI CCS and its Annex A documents. This presentation gives an overview of the changes in this TSI, related to the basic parameters, the interoperability constituents and the implementation and migration conditions. It will also give a brief overview of the system characteristics, as covered in the new specifications in Annex A.

 Speaker : 

  • Chiel Spaans
  • Dan Mandoc


Workshop #8 – CCS Beyond 2022: introducing Europe's Rail Programme 

I look forward to discussing the objectives of the System Pillar, and what it means for the future evolution of ERTMS and CCS more broadly.

 Speaker : 

  • Ian Conlon
  • Giorgio Travaini


Workshop #9 – Trackside Approval – return of experience

Outcomes of the Workshop Trackside Approval will be presented during the conference. Based on the feedback collected from the participants we will report on interesting topics, possible proposals for improvement and experience from our first applicants.

 Speaker : 

  • Jo De Bosschere


Workshop #10 – ETCS trackside engineering rules and their effect in operations

The workshop will elaborate on the close link between engineering and operational rules. It will also elaborate on how the ETCS toolbox that is used on the trackside creates different “user experience” on the onboard and requires different reactions from the driver. We will approach the Engineering guidelines produced by EUG as best practice and the role of harmonised marker boards to operational interoperability. To be debated: should more trackside engineering rules be harmonised at TSI level? 

 Speaker : 

  • Georgios Kouparousos


Marcin Wojcik


Marcin Wójcik graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Krakow (Poland). He also studied at the University of Mainz (Germany) and the College of Europe (Natolin Campus in Poland). Since 2005 he has been working at the European Commission, where he dealt among others, with the implementation of the regional policy and the transposition of the EU law in Member States. Since 2018, he has been working as an adviser to the European Coordinator for ERTMS and in this capacity, he has been following the ERTMS deployment.

Christian Klecha

Project Officer

After graduating in 2002 with an engineering degree in physics, Christian started his career in automation, automotive and space industries. Then, he worked in the field of ERTMS where he occupied functions from product development and validation to certification and authorisation of subsystems. As a Project Officer at ERA, he was in charge of coordinating the ERTMS NSA network and evaluation of CCS (Control Command and Signalling) national rules. Now he is working in the team in charge of CCM (Change Control Management) for ETCS.

Oscar Rebollo

Project Officer in the Planning and Approvals Delivery Unit

Mr Oscar Rebollo started his career implementing signalling solutions for several High-Speed Lines in Spain, such as Madrid-Barcelona, Segovia-Valladolid or La Sagra Toledo. During that period, he held several positions within two main signalling suppliers. He later joined the EU Agency for Railways in 2006 working as Project Officer in the ERTMS Unit. In 2018, he was re-allocated to the Fixed and Rolling Stock Unit and later to the newly created Planning and Approvals Delivery Unit, which is in charge of issuing legal acts according to the 4th Railway Package. Today, he works as Vehicle Authorisation Programme Manager at ERA.

Klaus Mindel

UNISIG General Manager


Klaus Mindel studied electrical engineering and graduated as a Dr.-Ing. (PhD) in mechanical engineering. He is quite active in the railway signalling domain for roughly 30 years, mainly  for Thales Transport Solutions. He started his career in Systems Engineering and developed (via Sales and Project Management) into a Main Line Product Strategy responsible. Mid of 2021 he was appointed as UNISIG General Manager.

I am the moderator for Session 5

Lea Paties

Senior Programme Manager

Léa Paties joined Europe’s Rail in March 2017 and oversees flagship projects dedicated to Network management planning & control and Digital & Automated processes up to Autonomous Train Operations.  Between 2010 and 2017, she was a Project Manager at UNIFE where she first became involved in UNISIG (the consortium gathering the European ETCS suppliers) looking after the promotion of ERTMS in Europe and Worldwide.  Léa holds a master’s degree in European Affairs and EU Project Management from the University of Strasbourg, France.  

Testing and validation of FRMCS specifications 

Presentation of the plans for financing a European testing and validation campaign for the validation of Version 2 of the FRMCS specifications. 

Peter Reinhart

Deutsche Bahn AG

Railway System Issues @ Stuttgart Digital Node

Mr Reinhart has been Deutsche Bahn Employee since 2015, mainly occupied with operational, optimization and (human) networking issues at the (interlinked) Stuttgart-Ulm/Stuttgart 21/Stuttgart Digital Node projects.

Daniel Scherrer

Head of network- and technology-concepts

Swiss Federal Railways

Mr Daniel Scherrer is a former Forklift driver with various training courses in logistics. He also possesses Business studies and is a Network developer at SBB where he acts in:

  • Development of intermodal terminals
  • Development of timetable for expansion programme 2035
  • Head of Network and Technology Concepts: little think tank group for out of the box strategies

Wouter Malfait

Project Officer in the ERTMS Unit

Wouter Malfait has a Master of Science in electromechanical engineering (option: electrical engineering) from the University of Ghent and obtained a specialised master’s in management (option: management control) during his professional career from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Faculty of the Université libre de Bruxelles).

Wouter started his professional career as research and development engineer in power-electronics at the University of Ghent and at Barco. He then worked for more than 10 years as signalling engineer at Infrabel and later for 3 years within the financial department of the SNCB-holding. Wouter joined the Agency in November 2010, working as economic evaluation project officer, mainly dealing with TSI related subjects. Since 2020, Wouter Malfait joined as project officer in the ERTMS and Telematics Unit.

Day 2 – Session 2 ERTMS Specifications inside CCS TSI 2023/1695

Main functional changes introduced in the ERTMS specifications including the new transition regimes introduced in the CCS TSI 2023/1695.

Juan Hernández Fernández

ERTMS Project Officer

Juan joined the European Union Agency for Railways in 2017 as Project Officer in the ERTMS Unit. He is the chairman of the CCS TSI Revision Working Party. Juan has collaborated in the 4th RP adaptation of the TSIs and the CCS TSI 2023 recast as part of the Digital Rail and Green Freight TSI revision package. He also contributes to the ESC/RSC management and the ERTMS Trackside Approval applications. 

Day 2 – Session 2 ERTMS Specifications inside CCS TSI 2023/1695

Main changes introduced in the ERTMS specifications in the CCS TSI 2023/1695, focusing on the new transition regime, new framework to manage the specifications’ changes and technical enhancements (ATO, FRMCS and DAC readiness) in relation with system versions.

Chiel Spaans

Project Officer

Chiel is the project manager of the Agency’s EVORA project, preparing the inclusion of the next generation railway radio system FRMCS in the TSI CCS. Chiel joined the Agency in 2014, after 30 years of working in the railway telecom domain in the Netherlands.

Dan Mandoc

Head of FRMCS


Dan works for the UIC coordinating the UIC FRMCS as well as being involved in Cyber Security activities. In the past, Dan worked for Network Rail, as Professional Head – Telecoms (2014 – 2019) and CFR (up to 2006), where the highest position held then was Head of the Digital Network. Between 2006 and 2014, Dan worked for UIC, being responsible for GSM-R and Telecom activities.

I am member of a Panel

Giorgio Travaini

Acting Executive Director

Europe’s Rail Joint undertaking

Giorgio is heading the EU-Rail JU since March 2023 as an Acting Executive Director. He is responsible for the 1,2Bn€ Europe’s Rail R&I integrated Programme since 2021 as the Head of Programme. He has been supervising as head of R&I the 920M€ R&I Programme of Shift2Rail since 2015. Before, he was a Senior Corporate advisor at UNIFE, advising on strategic topics and preparing S2R. From 2007, as a Senior Technical Manager, he supervised several R&I projects, teams and technical committees. He was also secretary of ERRAC. In 2006, he assisted Mr Paolo Costa, Chairman of Transport Committee of the European Parliament. In 2004 he joined the EU environment, working for the European Chamber of Commerce association and the Valle d’Aosta Regional representation office. Prior to that he had other international experiences with Procter & Gamble in Rome and with BNP Paribas Cardiff in Paris. He holds an Engineering Degree (Polytechnic of Turin) and a master’s degree in public Affairs (London South Bank University).

Session 6: EU-RAIL - the System Pillar and the Innovation Pillar: Outcomes and objectives

The session will focus in outlining the outputs and objectives of the R&I work of the Europe’s Rail Joint undertaking. It is an occasion to reflect about the future of the rail system and align our R&I activities to the needed work done in collaboration with ERA and aligned with the strategic objectives of the Union, represented by the European Commission.

Jo De Bosschere

Head of Unit ERTMS & Telematic Applications

Active in the Railways since 1991, Jo has worked for Infrabel (Infrastructure Manager BE) from 1991 till 2021 in different positions. His latest position was Head of Signalling Projects, being responsible for Strategy and deployment of ETCS and Interlockings on the Belgium network. Jo has joined the Agency since March 2021 as the Head of Unit ERTMS and Telematic Applications.

Georgios Kouparousos

Project Officer ERTMS Unit

Georgios is an Electrical Engineer BSc DEA with 26-year background in signalling and ETCS projects for both trackside and on-board. He is the Chair of the ERTMS Operational Harmonisation workgroup at ERA since 2015 with a strong interest in operational interoperability and its effects on drivers’ tasks and procedures. He previously worked in the Greek Regulatory Body/NSA with responsibilities on access and interoperability. 

Workshop 3: Operational Harmonisation

Building on the conclusions of Workshop #10 of ERTMS Conference 2022, Workshop #3 of this Conference will present the concept of harmonised operational processes. These will require a certain level of engineering harmonisation which will in turn benefit operational harmonisation as well as product development and certification. 

14:45 - 15:15
Coffee break
15:15 - 16:45
Workshop Session B

Session A replicated

16:45 - 17:15
Coffee break
17:15 - 18:45
Workshop Session C

Session A replicated

End of day 1


Registration and welcome coffee
09:00 - 09:15

Josef Doppelbauer

Executive director

Josef Doppelbauer took office in January 2015 and led the Agency to a new era as a European authority, where EU-wide vehicle authorisation, safety certification, and ERTMS trackside approval are granted.

ERA’s Executive Director is committed to a forward-looking approach and to making the railway system work better for society, while promoting the Agency, a respected authority, as the engine for change, driving the Single European Railway Area.

Josef Doppelbauer has more than 25 years experience in key aspects of railway technology, including signalling and control command systems. From 2012 to 2014, he was chairman of the European Rail Research Advisory Committee (ERRAC), the European technology platform of the rail sector. From 2011 to 2014, he was the chairman of the Steering Committee of the Joint Technology Initiative Shift2Rail. While at the helm of ERA, he has initiated the digital agenda of the Agency.

Dominique Riquet

Member of the European Parliament, Member of the committee of Transport and Tourism

Dominique Riquet has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2009, where he specialises in transport, industry and infrastructure financing. He has recently been appointed rapporteur of the revision of the Trans-European Transport Network, and is President of the long term and sustainable investment intergroup, which he founded. Before his European mandate, he was mayor of Valenciennes and practiced urological surgery.

More than ever, in the context of the ecological transition of the transport sector, the time has come to make the modal shift policy led by the European Union a reality. The European institutions, and more specifically the European Parliament, are very favourable to accelerating the deployment of ERTMS. The revision of the TEN-T regulation currently underway is an opportunity to review the problems that arise and to increase our level of ambition.

Adina Vălean

European Commissioner for Transport

European Commission

Adina Vălean is the European Commissioner for Transport. Before taking office on the 1st of December 2019, she was a Member of the European Parliament for 12 years. As an MEP she served as the Chairwoman of ITRE Committee (July-December 2019), Chairwoman of ENVI Committee (2017-2019) and as Vice-President of the European Parliament (2014-2017). She was also a Member of the Romanian Parliament between 2004-2007. Adina Vălean holds a master’s degree in European Integration Studies and Security and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics.

09:15 - 10:00


10:00 - 10:05
Session 1: 2000-2022 ERTMS ACHIEVEMENTS



Matthias Ruete

European Coordinator


Matthias Ruete is the European Coordinator for ERTMS, DG MOVE since January 2019. He was the Director General at the European Commission for Transport (2006-2014) and Home Affairs (2014-2018). He served as Director for Competitiveness (2005), Director for enlargement negotiations (2000-2004) and Director for International Transport, Galileo and Trans-European Infrastructure Networks (1998-2000). He holds a master’s in law (London) and a doctorate in intellectual property law (Giessen).

As the ERTMS rollout is reaching a tipping point, this intervention will focus on presenting the state of play of the current deployment, both on-board and trackside and outline a forecast for the years to come. Furthermore, challenges and opportunities linked to an accelerated and synchronised deployment of ERTMS on the whole TEN-T network, and the vehicles using it, with a deadline for phasing out of national signalling systems by 2040, will be identified and analysed.


ERTMS evolution

EU Railways will increasingly use ERTMS. The Commission and the Agency will facilitate it in the revision of TSI CCS. This will improve the quality by providing a more robust mechanism for specification changes (inc. error corrections) and flexibility by creating the basis for a modular architecture. It will open the door for performance enhancing innovations: Automatic Train Operation and FRMCS. Future improvements (e.g., train positioning) will be handled in a consistent framework.

Wawrzyniec Perschke

Policy officer

European Commission - Unit - Rail Safety and Interoperability

Wawrzyniec Perschke is a Policy Officer in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission. He is working on the policy of rail interoperability, CCS TSI (ETCS, ATO & FRMCS) and EU-RAIL. His experience in the Commission includes work as an economist on intellectual property, on industrial policy and analysis of Member States’ microeconomic reforms.

Future of CCS TSI - STIP, TSI and standardisation requests

After the 2023 revision of CCS TSI, the rail sector reflects upon the next evolutions of the ERTMS legislation. Obvious changes come soon: FRMCS, further operational harmonisation or DAC impact on CCS. On the horizon, we explore ATO GoA 3 and 4 and ASTP. The pace of the evolution and its channels: TSIs, standards and/or system pillar documents should be discussed.


The future

ERTMS establishes a single command, control and signalling systems for the EU. Yet, it needs to become more harmonised, add game changing functionalities and make it easier to deploy innovations added to it. JU’s System Pillar will deliver a joint vision and a common system architecture for future development of CCS addressing this and ensuring coherence for development of the digital railway more generally. The rail sector will deliver game changing innovations through the Innovation Pillar of the JU.

Keir Fitch

Head of Unit

European Commission - Unit - Rail Safety and Interoperability

Mr Fitch has been Head of Rail Safety and Interoperability Unit in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport in the European Commission since 2016 and was previously responsible in DG MOVE for the transport research policy. Prior to that, Mr Fitch was Deputy Head of Cabinet of Siim Kallas, Vice-President and Commissioner for Transport where he was responsible for land transport, security and competition/state aids. He was also the coordinator of the 2011 White Paper of the Future of Transport. Mr Fitch studied mathematics and law at Cambridge, was a lawyer at Herbert Smith and then moved on to the UK civil service in 1993. He joined the European Commission's Legal Service in 1999. Before joining the cabinet of Mr. Kallas in 2004, he was a Member of Cabinet of Vice-President Kinnock.

Introduction to the third day of the conference - Implementation and Outlook

ERTMS implementation needs to be accelerated. This requires a common effort. All stakeholders need to contribute to it within regulation, planning, ordering, production, certification, authorisation, maintenance, and operations. As ERTMS is an enabler for higher quality rail services it needs to evolve. Let's discuss the most promising improvements of ERTMS and how to make them happen.

10:55 - 11:05
Feedback from Workshop 1 | ERTMS deployment trackside and on-board

Opportunities and challenges

The objective of this intervention is to report on the discussions that will take place in the workshop 1 scheduled for 26 April. The aim of workshop 1 is to present some best practices and exchange on the opportunities and challenges linked to the accelerated and synchronised on-board and trackside ERTMS deployment, coupled with decommissioning of class B systems.

Marcin Wojcik


Marcin Wójcik graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Krakow (Poland). He also studied at the University of Mainz (Germany) and the College of Europe (Natolin Campus in Poland). Since 2005 he has been working at the European Commission, where he dealt among others, with the implementation of the regional policy and the transposition of the EU law in Member States. Since 2018, he has been working as an adviser to the European Coordinator for ERTMS and in this capacity, he has been following the ERTMS deployment.

11:05 - 11:25
Questions and Answers session
11:25 - 11:30
11:30 - 11:45
Keynote speech

Andre Rodenbeck


Siemens Rail Infrastructure

Mr Rodenbeck has been the CEO of Rail Infrastructure since April 2019. Before that, he performed the following roles within the company:

  • 2015-2019 General Manager Mass Transit – Braunschweig
  • 2011–2015 Head of Sales for Mainline Signalling – Madrid
  • 2008–2011 Director Sales and Projects Turnkey – Erlangen
  • 2006– 2008 Business Development – Erlangen
  • 2005–2006 Project Manager – Bangkok
  • 2003–2005 Sales Manager Transrapid (MAGLEV) - Berlin
11:45 - 12:15
Coffee break


Josef Doppelbauer

Executive director

Josef Doppelbauer took office in January 2015 and led the Agency to a new era as a European authority, where EU-wide vehicle authorisation, safety certification, and ERTMS trackside approval are granted.

ERA’s Executive Director is committed to a forward-looking approach and to making the railway system work better for society, while promoting the Agency, a respected authority, as the engine for change, driving the Single European Railway Area.

Josef Doppelbauer has more than 25 years experience in key aspects of railway technology, including signalling and control command systems. From 2012 to 2014, he was chairman of the European Rail Research Advisory Committee (ERRAC), the European technology platform of the rail sector. From 2011 to 2014, he was the chairman of the Steering Committee of the Joint Technology Initiative Shift2Rail. While at the helm of ERA, he has initiated the digital agenda of the Agency.


Wouter Malfait

Project Officer in the ERTMS Unit

Wouter Malfait has a Master of Science in electromechanical engineering (option: electrical engineering) from the University of Ghent and obtained a specialised master’s in management (option: management control) during his professional career from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Faculty of the Université libre de Bruxelles).

Wouter started his professional career as research and development engineer in power-electronics at the University of Ghent and at Barco. He then worked for more than 10 years as signalling engineer at Infrabel and later for 3 years within the financial department of the SNCB-holding. Wouter joined the Agency in November 2010, working as economic evaluation project officer, mainly dealing with TSI related subjects. Since 2020, Wouter Malfait joined as project officer in the ERTMS and Telematics Unit.

Day 2 – Session 2 ERTMS Specifications inside CCS TSI 2023/1695

Main functional changes introduced in the ERTMS specifications including the new transition regimes introduced in the CCS TSI 2023/1695.

Juan Hernández Fernández

ERTMS Project Officer

Juan joined the European Union Agency for Railways in 2017 as Project Officer in the ERTMS Unit. He is the chairman of the CCS TSI Revision Working Party. Juan has collaborated in the 4th RP adaptation of the TSIs and the CCS TSI 2023 recast as part of the Digital Rail and Green Freight TSI revision package. He also contributes to the ESC/RSC management and the ERTMS Trackside Approval applications. 

Day 2 – Session 2 ERTMS Specifications inside CCS TSI 2023/1695

Main changes introduced in the ERTMS specifications in the CCS TSI 2023/1695, focusing on the new transition regime, new framework to manage the specifications’ changes and technical enhancements (ATO, FRMCS and DAC readiness) in relation with system versions.


Managing Baseline compatibility

The CCS TSI should consider a compatibility roadmap to provide visibility of future evolutions and a stable and consistent deployment framework. The goal of the stable Baseline roadmap is to carefully manage each individual delivery program in a balanced way while considering the evolutions of the state of the art, reflected by the regulation, and the life cycle costs and revenues of the assets. The capacity of the sector to supply and integrate the changes must be considered.

Hélène Arfaoui Kaynak

CER Speaker at the CCS Working Party, ERTMS Control Group, Coordination on Radio Evolution


Helene ARFAOUI KAYNAK is the ERTMS Director at SNCF since 2018 and an international expert in the fields of ERTMS, signalling, telecommunications and interoperability.  She is an active member promoting the definition of a modular architecture for the railway system. Helene holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from Tokyo Institute of Technology and a MSc in Telecommunications from both Telecom Bretagne (IMT Atlantique, France) and Aston University (UK).


Chiel Spaans

Project Officer

Chiel is the project manager of the Agency’s EVORA project, preparing the inclusion of the next generation railway radio system FRMCS in the TSI CCS. Chiel joined the Agency in 2014, after 30 years of working in the railway telecom domain in the Netherlands.


Thierry Breyne

ERA / VA Team Leader

Mr Breyne is leading the ERA team responsible for issuing vehicle (type) authorisations and vehicle authorisations for placing on the market. From April 2015 until July 2018, Mr Breyne was the ERA programme manager in charge for preparing the Agency for its new tasks related to the 4th Railway Package. Before this, Mr Breyne was the Director of the Belgian National Safety Authority.

Christian Klecha

Project Officer

After graduating in 2002 with an engineering degree in physics, Christian started his career in automation, automotive and space industries. Then, he worked in the field of ERTMS where he occupied functions from product development and validation to certification and authorisation of subsystems. As a Project Officer at ERA, he was in charge of coordinating the ERTMS NSA network and evaluation of CCS (Control Command and Signalling) national rules. Now he is working in the team in charge of CCM (Change Control Management) for ETCS.

13:20 - 13:35
Questions and Answers session
13:35 - 13:45
13:45 - 15:15
Lunch break

Session 3: System evolution towards digital rail

Carlo M. Borghini

Executive Director

Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking

Mr Carlo Borghini is responsible for the overall management of Europe’s Rail (successor of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking) activities since he took up the position of Executive Director in February 2016; in 2021, his mandate has been extended up to May 2026.

Prior to the current role, Mr Borghini held senior management positions in different domains in private and international organisations, at corporate level. He was the Deputy Executive Director for the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) in Brussels from 2008 to 2014, and prior to this was Director and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialised Agency of the United Nations based in Rome.

Mr Borghini holds a master’s degree equivalent in Business Economics and speaks Italian, French and English. He is married with three children.


Carlo M. Borghini

Executive Director

Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking

Mr Carlo Borghini is responsible for the overall management of Europe’s Rail (successor of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking) activities since he took up the position of Executive Director in February 2016; in 2021, his mandate has been extended up to May 2026.

Prior to the current role, Mr Borghini held senior management positions in different domains in private and international organisations, at corporate level. He was the Deputy Executive Director for the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) in Brussels from 2008 to 2014, and prior to this was Director and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialised Agency of the United Nations based in Rome.

Mr Borghini holds a master’s degree equivalent in Business Economics and speaks Italian, French and English. He is married with three children.


Feedback from WS 3- On-board and trackside architecture as foreseen in the TSI CCS 2022

The presentation shows the main statements made by participants when the on-board and trackside architecture was discussed.

Hartwig Schuster

Head of RAMS, Validation and Authorization

Mr Schuster has been working since 2022 in the ERJU System Pillar as a supplier lead in the "Train Control & Supervision" domain.  Between 2020 and 2023 he was Head of the UNIFE mirror group for the ERA "Topical Working Group on-board Architecture". Since 2019 he is the Head of department at Siemens Mobility for RAMS, validation and authorisation for on-board train control systems. In addition, since 2016 at UNISIG he is the Head of Approval & Certification Work Package. 

ESC Optimisation of campaigns and reduction of needed tests

ETCS on-board supplier experience with ESC and suggestions for improvements


Steffen Schmidt

CCS Architect

Mr Schmidt has been a consultant in industrial automation for 15 years, a member of the board of directors of SBB Infrastructure for 7 years, a program manager for SmartRail4.0 for 4 years and is currently a member of the EURAIL System Pillar Coregroup & CCS Architect in Swiss Railways

The migration steps towards a harmonized CCS architecture

The presentation in workshop 9 describes the targets and draft concept for the migration steps towards the System Pillar target architecture.

Paolo Ciucci

EUs Rail System Pillar Core Group Member

Dr Paolo Ciucci was born in 1960 in Italy and possesses a PhD in Physics. He is a Technical Director in Alstom group Mainline systems. In his career, he has been responsible for the Research & Development department for railway signalling products as well as providing Engineering organisation for execution of large signalling projects in several countries around the world. He is currently cooperating with the System Pillar Core Group in Europe’s Rail programme. 

Operational Harmonisation workshop

A single European railway area and harmonised operational rules can only work with a standardised CCS architecture. During this workshop the SP will present the systematic approach to derive system analysis and logical architecture from the operational needs. Beside an introduction to the methodology, first results will be presented, based on harmonised operational processes.” 

Antonella Trombetta

Senior Director Group Bidding, Governance & Industry Affairs

Ms Antonella Trombetta is an Electronic Engineer. She is Director of Industry Affairs with experience in Innovation & Satellite, RBC and Wayside Application. She is also experienced in Metro, CBTC, CBI; HS, Conventional and Freight lines; and PTC. She has undertaken roles as S2R IP2 Coordinator, member of S2R/Europe’s Rail Governing Board, RSI Expert Group on Competitiveness, UNIFE Strategy Committee and 3 Italian Comp. Centres. She was also the secretary of the Italian CTN Trasporti 2020.

Fabio Senesi

Head Research and Development

Mr Fabio Senesi has been working at the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane since 1993. Currently,  he is the Deputy Director of Department Research and Development in RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana) the Railway infrastructure company of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and Responsible for the ERTMS National Programme. He was the Director of Inspectorate and Auditing of National Safety Agency in Italy  and was the former President of ERTMS Users Group . He is an Electronic Engineer with a PhD in Applied Electromagnetism from Università La Sapienza (Rome) . He also possesses an MBA from HES, Paris.

ERTMS Italian Experience

The ERTMS Deployment in Italy with the experience from operation and the innovation solution and the application.


Lars Deiterding

Executive Director


Lars Deiterding is a transport engineer with more than 25 years of experience in timetabling, railway simulation, rail freight and logistics. Coordinator of several large-scale European R&D projects, Mr Deiterding is Chairman of the UNIFE freight committee, as well as a Board Member of EU-Rail, ALICE and NewOpera. He is also leader of the Flagship Area 1 of EU-Rail and the Seamless cluster of Flagship Area 5.

Jean-Baptiste Simonnet

FA2 coordinator

FA2 consortium

Mr Jean-Baptiste SIMONNET is an industrial engineer graduated in 2000. Until 2007, he worked in the defense and aeronautic industry. In 2007, Jean-Baptiste acted as SNCF Project Buyer for new-build train public tenders and contracts. From 2012, as CER Senior Technical Adviser, he covered a large range of issues, from TSIs to safety and ERTMS regulations. Since 2018, he was co-founder of OCORA, contributor to Linx4Rail architecture framework and active in EU Rail JU preparation.

Michael Klocker

Head of Solution Management Rail

Nokia Networks CNS Enterprise

Michael Kloecker is working as Head of Solution Management Railway in the Nokia Enterprise Business Unit and is responsible for strategic positioning of the current GSM-R solutions as well as for future evolution of the railway communication systems (FRMCS). In his role he is representing Nokia in relevant international bodies as the European Union Agency for Railways, UIC and the UNIFE/UNITEL committee, as well as conferences and fairs, and finally the Horizon 2020 5GRail project.

We will present and discuss UNITEL’s view on the success conditions for the transition towards FRMCS, covering the Challenges and Solutions, Market and Ecosystem, the FRMCS Preparation of today’s networks, benefits of coordinated and funded trials, and finally the Migration towards FRMCS and GSM-R support.

Jean-Michel Evanghelou

Director, Telecom, Signaling & Digital Applications


Mr Jean-Michel Evanghelou is the Director of Telecom, Signalling and Digital Applications of UIC, and Deputy Director of Rail Systems. In his career, Jean-Michel held various positions as Director within the Orange Group and joined afterwards Nortel Networks where he had different international business roles, serving as Vice-President for various technologies and segments. More recently he was the Director for Railway Business in Kapsch. Jean-Michel graduated as engineer from the Ecole Centrale of Paris.

What’s the State of Play of FRMCS for European Railways ? Such ambitious objective remains to be market ready for first implementations in the horizon 2026, in order to enable the emergence of new digital railway applications such as ATO, TCMS or video security. What is on track to meet this objective, what is at risk, and where EU-Rail should help the case ?


Ralf-Charley Schultze



With a law degree, a fluency in 5 languages and a 15-year-experience in senior positions in freight and multimodal transport as well logistics (a.o. at SBB Cargo, GEFCO), Ralf-Charley Schultze has a solid international background and understanding of the logistics processes and real market needs.

16:55 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30
Coffee break
17:30 - 18:30
Round table discussion

Josef Doppelbauer

Executive director

Josef Doppelbauer took office in January 2015 and led the Agency to a new era as a European authority, where EU-wide vehicle authorisation, safety certification, and ERTMS trackside approval are granted.

ERA’s Executive Director is committed to a forward-looking approach and to making the railway system work better for society, while promoting the Agency, a respected authority, as the engine for change, driving the Single European Railway Area.

Josef Doppelbauer has more than 25 years experience in key aspects of railway technology, including signalling and control command systems. From 2012 to 2014, he was chairman of the European Rail Research Advisory Committee (ERRAC), the European technology platform of the rail sector. From 2011 to 2014, he was the chairman of the Steering Committee of the Joint Technology Initiative Shift2Rail. While at the helm of ERA, he has initiated the digital agenda of the Agency.

Stanislas Pinte


The Signalling Company

Mr Pinte is currently the CEO of TheSignallingCompany, creating a better ETCS Onboard Solution. He was previously the CEO & Sales Director of ERTMS solutions between 2004 and 2019. Stan has studies in Business Admnistration and Entrepreneurship Development. He is a technical expert in the field of ETCS Onboard solutions and can communicate in many different languages.

Wolfgang Küpper

Secretary General


Mr KÜPPER is a lawyer. At the German Ministry of Transport, he was responsible for all aspects of railway policy at national, European and international levels and relations with the railway industry. Today, Mr KÜPPER, is pressing for the even swifter harmonisation of railway law and strongly believes that making railways the foremost means of transport is our common aim in the context of the urgent social issues of climate change, urbanisation and demographic change.

Alberto Parrondo

VP Strategy & Marketing

THALES Ground Transport System

Mr Alberto Parrondo is VP Strategy & Marketing, Ground Transport System for THALES, since 2017. He is in charge of the Strategy for the worldwide Ground Transportation activities in THALES, including Signalling, Telecommunications, Supervision and Ticketing for Urban and Main Lines. He is experienced in setting up and managing international and multinational teams, with a focus on delivering transformations.

Despite huge investments in recent decades, the main rail sector is not changing fast enough. This is mainly due to national fragmentation and non-harmonised concepts of operations. But EU-Rail should improve the situation, bringing innovations that will make the rail more responsive and competitive, and taking full advantage of the digitalisation and automation of operations.

Kristian Weiland

Board Representative Digital Rail Germany / Head of Corporate Program Digital Rail Germany

Deutsche Bahn AG / DB Netz AG

Dr. Kristian Weiland is Head of the Corporate Program Digital Rail Germany at Deutsche Bahn AG as well as Board Representative Digital Rail Germany and CTO of DB Netz AG. He has a doctor’s degree in electrical engineering and studied at Humboldt University in Berlin. After working in the industry, he worked in the technology department of DB AG from 1997 and at DB Energie from 2001. From 2015-2019, he was Head of Major Projects Southwest at DB Netz AG

18:30 - 19:00
Today's conclusions
19:00 - 22:00
End of day 2


08:30 - 09:00
Registration and welcome coffee
09:00 - 09:10
Opening speech
09:10 - 10:00
Railway sector representatives and policy makers share their views

Izaskun Bilbao Barandica

MEP - member

Committee on transports and tourism

Ms Izaskun Bilbao Barandica is currently a Member of the European Parliament. She is the Vice chair of Delegation for relations with the countries of the Andean Community.  She is also Member of Committee on Transport and Tourism and Committee on Fisheries. Substitute on Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and Delegation with USA.

Izaskun has held a number of positions which range from being a Member of Bermeo town council with responsibilities in the fields of town planning and culture (until 1991) to Director of services in the Basque Government's Department of Culture and City secretary controller in the town of Kortezubi (1996) and other roles.

She later performed roles as Member of the Basque Parliament, Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries, and member of the Committee on Institutions and Home Affairs, the Committee on Industry, Trade and Tourism, the Committee on Women and Youth, and the Committee on the Control of Reserved Expenditure (7th parliamentary term) until 2005. Izaskun possesses a degree in law (from Deusto University) and an MBA (University of Basque Country).

Matthias Ruete

European Coordinator


Matthias Ruete is the European Coordinator for ERTMS, DG MOVE since January 2019. He was the Director General at the European Commission for Transport (2006-2014) and Home Affairs (2014-2018). He served as Director for Competitiveness (2005), Director for enlargement negotiations (2000-2004) and Director for International Transport, Galileo and Trans-European Infrastructure Networks (1998-2000). He holds a master’s in law (London) and a doctorate in intellectual property law (Giessen).

As the ERTMS rollout is reaching a tipping point, this intervention will focus on presenting the state of play of the current deployment, both on-board and trackside and outline a forecast for the years to come. Furthermore, challenges and opportunities linked to an accelerated and synchronised deployment of ERTMS on the whole TEN-T network, and the vehicles using it, with a deadline for phasing out of national signalling systems by 2040, will be identified and analysed.

Luc Lallemand


SNCF Reseau

Mr Luc Lallemand, 55, is a commercial engineer with a postgraduate degree in foreign exchange and international finance. He equally holds a Merchant Navy Deck Officer degree. His career started in 1988 as a Deck Officer with Ahlers Shipping. In 1991 he joined the Belgian National Railway Company (SNCB) as Treasurer. From 1995 onwards, he was appointed, by the Belgian Government, to carry out a number of initiatives aiming to reform the transport sector (rail, air, waterways and maritime) and to improve public finances. In 2002, he was appointed as financial director and member of the Management Committee of SNCB. In 2004, he became General Manager and Chairman of the Management Committee of Infrabel (Belgian railway infrastructure manager), by then an independent company. A former director of Réseau Ferré de France (RFF), he is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Vinçotte Group.

Alberto Mazzola

CER Executive Director


Alberto Mazzola has been the Executive Director at CER since January 2021, representing its members towards EU policymakers and advocating rail as the backbone of a competitive and sustainable transport system in Europe.

Alberto Mazzola holds a master’s in business administration and a Doctorate cum Laude in Nuclear Engineering from the Politecnico of Milan. In 2002, he joined Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (FS), where he held different positions. In his last role as Head of International Government Affairs, he was based in Brussels dealing with international affairs and European legislation, market regulation and technical standards.

A European ERTMS Programme Management

The presentation highlights that synchronised and harmonised trackside and onboard ERTMS deployment is vital to achieve the modal shift targets envisaged in the Green Deal, under the precondition of having suitable funding and financing options in place. Today ERTMS governance is spread along several different bodies (EU ERTMS Coordinator, CINEA, EU Agency for Railways, Europe’s Rail JU), each one responsible for a single component of the value-chain. This generates a clear need for an integrated approach, in order to improve consistency between objectives and fundings. CER believes that ERTMS deployment needs to be boosted and to this purpose a future centralised EU-Level ERTMS governance and Program Management could help with regulating funding, coordination of National Implementation Plans (NIP), resourcing, market uptake, migration, and transition.

10:00 - 10:30
Coffee break

Session 4: Feedback from the ERTMS projects, part 1

Michel Ruesen

Managing Director

Michel Ruesen is the Managing Director of the ERTMS Users Group since 2010. He is active in the Railway business since 2003, when he joined the Dutch Infrastructure manager ProRail as a deputy director of Maintenance and Asset Management. While working for ProRail, he was the President of the ERTMS Users Group from 2006 to 2008 and the President of the EEIG Corridor Rotterdam – Genoa (now called Rhine Alpine Corridor) from 2008 to 2010.

Moderator session 3


Towards ETCS over FRMCS in Finland - Return of experience on LTE/5G based deployment

The presentation will provide information about the Finnish ERTMS programme called Digirail and will share details about the use of FRMCS (5g/LTE) solution. Finally, it will show the results gained by the programme so far.

Jari Pylvänäinen

Project officer


Jari Pylvänäinen has worked at Fintraffic Railway Ltd since 2019 as a Project officer and his main area of responsibility is project management and administration tasks related to the Digirail project which is planning national ERTMS implementation. Pylvänäinen has worked in the railway sector close to 20 years and he has held several positions ranging from design to business and product development. Pylvänäinen has a M.Sc. and B.Sc in Engineering and he is also a member of the IRSE.

Juha Lehtola

Project Manager

Juha has been working on railway signalling for 15 years and in the past five years as a project manager of the Finnish ERTMS program. The main focus at the moment is to lead Finnish railways to the digital era starting from radio based ETCS implementation, making digitalisation possible and taking full advantage out of it. Juha is keen on making railways more attractive with the help of digitalisation and also a strong believer in co-operation and making things by working together.

Moderator in the Workshop 4 titled: How to optimise cost for the ERTMS Lifecycle for Trackside and On-board


Norway ERTMS - National Implementation

The purpose of the presentation is to give an overview of the ETCS deployment in the Norwegian fleets. I will explain what are the main challenges, the embedded technical solutions and what is put in place to perform such a massive deployment at country level.

Vincent Garin

Project Manager


Mr Vincent Garin has been working at Alstom for nearly 18 years, almost exclusively in signalling. First working on generic development of ETCS solutions, then moving on projects’ execution where he had the opportunity to work on both mainline and urban projects, in different countries such as Italy, Singapore, France, Denmark and currently Norway. Today, Vincent is in charge of ETCS deployment of a baseline 3 release 2 solution in the Norwegian fleets.

11:00 - 11:15
Preconditions for successful rollout of ERTMS in Germany

Window of opportunity for innovation vs. stable specifications and availability of products needed for advanced vehicle equipment and to upgrade existing routes to ETCS L2 only

Philipp Bührsch

Head of Strategic Rollout Planning Digitale Schiene Deutschland


Philipp Bührsch is the Head of Strategic Rollout Planning Digitale Schiene Deutschland (DSD). Before that he was Head of Investment Management DSD and responsible for all aspects concerning finance and investment. In his previous 19 years with DB Netz and the DB Group he has held various positions such as project manager for developing a new approach to timetabling, as well as for construction and operations management. Philipp Bührsch studied civil engineering and project management.


Daniel Scherrer

Head of network- and technology-concepts

Swiss Federal Railways

Mr Daniel Scherrer is a former Forklift driver with various training courses in logistics. He also possesses Business studies and is a Network developer at SBB where he acts in:

  • Development of intermodal terminals
  • Development of timetable for expansion programme 2035
  • Head of Network and Technology Concepts: little think tank group for out of the box strategies

New scopes for certification

The presentation is divided in two parts: the first one is dedicated to ERTMS Accredited Laboratories activities not only for today’s needs but also in light of the preliminary numerous developments of ERTMS/ETCS in Europe; the second part, is dedicated to the Notified Bodies activities that are facing new challenges linked both to the TSI CCS updates and to the growing number of cross-border projects.

Luca Macchi

Head of Railway Infrastructure Certification

Luca started his career as an advisor of RFI, the Italian Infrastructure Manager, for the ERTMS development of Rome-Naples and Torino-Novara lines. Since 2006 he has been employed at RINA, an Italian NoBo, DeBo, AsBo and ERTMS laboratory and he has been involved in 200+ testing, certification and safety assessment of signalling projects. Today, Luca is responsible for the unit dealing with CCS, infrastructure and Energy Certification.


Trackside approval - Return of experience and feedback from Workshop 9: Trackside approval

The aim is to present the current status, the return of experience and the coming improvements of the ERTMS trackside approval.

Jo De Bosschere

Head of Unit ERTMS & Telematic Applications

Active in the Railways since 1991, Jo has worked for Infrabel (Infrastructure Manager BE) from 1991 till 2021 in different positions. His latest position was Head of Signalling Projects, being responsible for Strategy and deployment of ETCS and Interlockings on the Belgium network. Jo has joined the Agency since March 2021 as the Head of Unit ERTMS and Telematic Applications.

Maria Bueno

Maria is an Expert on ERTMS and very linked to ERTMS deployment in Europe for more than 21 years.

11:50 - 12:05
Questions and Answers
12:05 - 12:15
12:15 - 13:45

Session 5: Feedback from the ERTMS projects, part 2

Klaus Mindel

UNISIG General Manager


Klaus Mindel studied electrical engineering and graduated as a Dr.-Ing. (PhD) in mechanical engineering. He is quite active in the railway signalling domain for roughly 30 years, mainly  for Thales Transport Solutions. He started his career in Systems Engineering and developed (via Sales and Project Management) into a Main Line Product Strategy responsible. Mid of 2021 he was appointed as UNISIG General Manager.

I am the moderator for Session 5


Jaime Pereira

Head of ERTMS Specifications

Mr. Pereira  is the Spanish NPM at EUG and the ADIF representative for ERTMS at EIM and other working groups coordinated by ERA and the EC. He is also a regular attendee of ERJU SP Steering Board. He has got twenty years’ experience in the CCS & ERTMS domain as starting in 2011 working for ADIF and previously for INECO.

How can ERTMS deployment for Trackside and On-board be accelerated? (Workshop)

ERTMS deployment is progressing across Europe but compared to the EDP (European Deployment Plan 2017) major delays are also noticeable. The ambitions laid down in TEN-T Regulation can only be achieved with an important acceleration of ERTMS deployment. In this workshop we will try to identify all possible blocking factors that prevent a fast/accelerated ERTMS roll-out. We will also look at what could be done to accelerate the roll-out for both trackside and on-board.


José Antonio Quintano

Head of EU Affairs & Funding Programs

José Antonio has an Industrial Engineering BSc and an Embedded Systems MSc. He joined CAF Signalling in 2007 where he has developed most of his professional career. Starting as software developer for the first ETCS trackside products, he became Project Manager for simulation tools & automatic testing and also for the full range of Data Preparation tools & processes in the company. Since 2017 he represents CAF at the UNISIG Steering Committee and other European Forums. 

WS9 A, B and C - CCS (Control, Command and Signalling) target and migration - the EU-RAIL System Pillar approach

My main contribution will be to moderate the discussion about System Pilar (SP) Migration Targets in the 3 workshops. Gather opinions and main take aways as feedback to the Conference and also to the work in the System Pillar.


Ralf Kaminsky

Director Mainline Regulation & Standards

Siemens Mobility

Ralf Kaminsky is a civil engineer for railway operation and construction with a Phd in the field of railway timetabling and simulation of railway operation. He has worked for Siemens Mobility for more than 20 years in different positions around mainline signalling. Among others, he led the strategy department for the business in Germany and was responsible for the business with onboard equipment. All along he represents Siemens in different Committees (UNIFE, UNISIG; VDB) and EU funded projects.

Status, benefits, challenges of L3/HL3, ATO and a conclusion including the combination of ATO with HL3.


Lea Paties

Senior Programme Manager

Léa Paties joined Europe’s Rail in March 2017 and oversees flagship projects dedicated to Network management planning & control and Digital & Automated processes up to Autonomous Train Operations.  Between 2010 and 2017, she was a Project Manager at UNIFE where she first became involved in UNISIG (the consortium gathering the European ETCS suppliers) looking after the promotion of ERTMS in Europe and Worldwide.  Léa holds a master’s degree in European Affairs and EU Project Management from the University of Strasbourg, France.  

Testing and validation of FRMCS specifications 

Presentation of the plans for financing a European testing and validation campaign for the validation of Version 2 of the FRMCS specifications. 


Jens Holst Møller

Chief Engineer

Banedanmark, Danish Railway infrastructure manager

Mr Møller is the Chief Engineer for the Danish Signalling programme. He is in charge of the Technical Stage gate acceptance for the Fjernbane, S-bane and related Projects. He is the Design Authority for ERTMS in Denmark and member of the Enterprise Architect Group. He is also the Danish member of the ERTMS Users group NPM committee and EIM ERTMS CCM.

Christian Löffler

Senior Portfolio Architect


Christian Löffler has been working for Thales since 2003, spent over 16 years in the development of safety critical railway systems and is currently Senior Portfolio Architect for vital trackside systems. Christian participates in standardization work since 2014.

Harmonisation of operational concepts

Harmonisation of operational concepts

  • The main goal is to develop a working and efficient meta-process for harmonising Operational Harmonization within CCS+
  • Proof the efficiency of the meta-process by applying it to chosen relevant operational scenarios including relevant degraded situations
  • Achieve a common understanding regarding the actors and their capabilities
  • Find an adequate way of documentation for proof of concept, at the beginning in a semi-formal ay, later on to be refined to match the chosen level of detail of specifications

Michael Leining

Managing Director


Dr Leining has been Managing Director of NEXTRAIL GmbH since 2018, which is a Europe-wide engineering firm for railway signalling technology. Dr Leining holds a degree in industrial engineering (mechanical engineering). After working in industry and start-up companies, he first held a management position in railway telecommunications at DB Netz AG. Subsequently, Dr Leining headed the signalling department (technology and maintenance) at DB Netz AG for many years.

Danilo Iovino

Senior On-Board Signalling Engineer

Hitachi Rail

Danilo Iovino holds a degree in Electronic Engineering complemented with a Master in Transportation Systems. This allowed him to practice as Software Engineer for real-time embedded safety critical railway and space applications. Also, Mr Iovino was a Product Development Engineer in on-board railway and metro applications, and a Senior On-Board Signalling Engineer. His experience brought him to the role of Coordinator for On-Board Train Integrity and Virtual Coupling in Shift2Rail.


Georgios Kouparousos

Project Officer ERTMS Unit

Georgios is an Electrical Engineer BSc DEA with 26-year background in signalling and ETCS projects for both trackside and on-board. He is the Chair of the ERTMS Operational Harmonisation workgroup at ERA since 2015 with a strong interest in operational interoperability and its effects on drivers’ tasks and procedures. He previously worked in the Greek Regulatory Body/NSA with responsibilities on access and interoperability. 

Workshop 3: Operational Harmonisation

Building on the conclusions of Workshop #10 of ERTMS Conference 2022, Workshop #3 of this Conference will present the concept of harmonised operational processes. These will require a certain level of engineering harmonisation which will in turn benefit operational harmonisation as well as product development and certification. 

14:55 - 15:10
Questions and Answers
15:10 - 15:20
15:20 - 15:50
Coffee break
15:50 - 17:10
Session 6: Window of opportunity

ERTMS2022 - Lessons learned

Flemming Jensen



Flemming Jensen started his professional career as fighter pilot in the Danish Airforce and later served as a commercial pilot and Captain in Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). In his time in SAS he hold a number of management positions and was COO before he joined DSB as CEO in 2015.

Jean-Francois Beaudoin

President Digital and Integrated Systems


Mr Jean-Francois Beaudoin, President of Digital & Integrated Systems, is a member of the Alstom Leadership Team. He is driving the signalling, infrastructure and turnkey business of the Alstom organisation worldwide including future driven core technologies such as autonomous driving, multi-modal mobility orchestrating tools using artificial intelligence, as well as cybersecurity. Born in 1977, Jean Francois graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in 1998 and further obtained a PhD in Mathematics & Automatics from Mines Paris Tech in 2004.

Antonella Trombetta

Senior Director Group Bidding, Governance & Industry Affairs

Ms Antonella Trombetta is an Electronic Engineer. She is Director of Industry Affairs with experience in Innovation & Satellite, RBC and Wayside Application. She is also experienced in Metro, CBTC, CBI; HS, Conventional and Freight lines; and PTC. She has undertaken roles as S2R IP2 Coordinator, member of S2R/Europe’s Rail Governing Board, RSI Expert Group on Competitiveness, UNIFE Strategy Committee and 3 Italian Comp. Centres. She was also the secretary of the Italian CTN Trasporti 2020.

Keir Fitch

Head of Unit

European Commission - Unit - Rail Safety and Interoperability

Mr Fitch has been Head of Rail Safety and Interoperability Unit in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport in the European Commission since 2016 and was previously responsible in DG MOVE for the transport research policy. Prior to that, Mr Fitch was Deputy Head of Cabinet of Siim Kallas, Vice-President and Commissioner for Transport where he was responsible for land transport, security and competition/state aids. He was also the coordinator of the 2011 White Paper of the Future of Transport. Mr Fitch studied mathematics and law at Cambridge, was a lawyer at Herbert Smith and then moved on to the UK civil service in 1993. He joined the European Commission's Legal Service in 1999. Before joining the cabinet of Mr. Kallas in 2004, he was a Member of Cabinet of Vice-President Kinnock.

Introduction to the third day of the conference - Implementation and Outlook

ERTMS implementation needs to be accelerated. This requires a common effort. All stakeholders need to contribute to it within regulation, planning, ordering, production, certification, authorisation, maintenance, and operations. As ERTMS is an enabler for higher quality rail services it needs to evolve. Let's discuss the most promising improvements of ERTMS and how to make them happen.

17:10 - 17:30
Closing remarks
End of Conference