Esther Mateo
General Manager Safety, Security and Digital Transformation
Industrial Engineer
Qualified Industrial Engineer. Before joining Adif in 2010, Esther worked in the in the Aeronautical, Naval and Automotive private sectors. From 2010, Esther has held different positions of responsibility in Adif. As of September 2018, she became responsible for safety, security and digital transformation. From this position, she is leading transversal and transformative projects such as Adif's Digital Transformation Plan, Integral cybersecurity plan, Projects aiming at modernising maintenance and asset management, at improving the decision making in asset replacement and investment, Safety Culture as well as Human and Organisational Factors.
Key challenges to transform Adif’s safety culture
Improving safety represents a common goal, a goal we all share and work toward it. SIGMA is a transformative project, supporting the safety goals. SIGMA relies on the solid pillars of railway safety to continue improving it, focusing on railway professionals, and the context in which they carry out their work. ADIF is committed to foster a questioning and reporting culture in an atmosphere of trust, in a climate of just culture that allows learning from mistakes.