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EuMedRail Bulletin July 2020

Published: 06 August 2020

The fourth Bulletin focuses on the measures taken by the railway sector to address the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 rail protocol developed by the European Union Agency’s for Railways (ERA), the European Commission and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) provides guidelines to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 within stations and trains. Due to COVID-19, the EUMedRail project has regularly scheduled virtual meetings with the EUMedRail partners. Using electronic tools, the EUMedRail project could organise an EUMedRail webinar on OTIF, promote the EUMedRail partners participation to the 40th Session of WG TECH of OTIF and webinars on level crossings and Covid-19. The edition includes information on the transport of dangerous goods and safety management system via respective events.

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EuMedRail Bulletin July 2020

English (868.11 KB - PDF)