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ERA Webinars 2022 Programme

Free Webinar: Knowledge as a Pillar of Railway Safety

Published: 02 April 2024 Updated: 16 April 2024

ERA: Josef Doppelbauer, Marnix van der Heijde, Grégory Rolina
Training owners: Lena Kecklund, Teemu Reiman, Julian Kominowski, Bart Mortier, Tshika Mfuni, Dounia Tazi, Turker Ahi, Luca Save, Luca Rizzetto, Pilar Calvo Holgado, Jesús Villena
Moderator: Cyriel Martin

Tuesday 16 April 2024, 12:00 - Tuesday 16 April 2024, 13:30 (Europe/Brussels)

Watch the recording of the webinar

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In all high-risk industries, knowledge is key for achieving sustainable and safe performance. With complex technologies and involvement from numerous players and organisations, railways are no exception. Therefore, it is crucial that adequate training is easily available for all involved parties in the railway sector.

To enhance knowledge among its stakeholders, ERA is developing an ambitious safety training portfolio, revealed in January 2024. In addition, to facilitate stakeholder participation in local training and in their respective languages - and because the Agency cannot deliver all necessary training itself - ERA is piloting a qualification scheme for railway safety training courses related to the European Union framework of railway safety law, launched (and published on the ERA website) in September 2023. 

During the webinar, the ten successful candidates will have the opportunity to present and share their experience during the pilot for their safety training. The next steps of this promising initiative to increase safety critical knowledge and wider available training opportunities all over Europe will be presented and discussed.