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I have an ERADIS account for submitting SQRs. What shall I do next?

Navigate with your preferred internet browser to this URL. You are asked for a username and password. Please use the user credentials you received by email when your account has been created.

  • Click on left side “RU Service quality reports”. Then click on “Submit RU service quality report” (in the middle after the text).
  • Fill in the data, selecting from the drop-down menu “Country” and “Reporting year”. Then from “Select Existing RU SQP Reports Organisation*” click on your organization in the drop-down menu. If your organization is not in the list please address this issue to ERADISatera [dot] europa [dot] eu (ERADIS).
  • Under “Attachments”, select the report language and by clicking on the "Add document" link start the upload of a new quality report.
  • An “Upload document” dialog will appear. Upload your document to the website by selecting your local PDF-file with the report. Please use the filename “Year-[your Company Name].pdf”.
  • Finally click on the button “Send To ERA”. You will receive a confirmation by the system that the report was successfully uploaded. After this point, the quality report will be subject to an approval process. Therefore, it will take up to 4-5 additional working days until it will be displayed on ERADIS.