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Jo Van Weyenberg

Director Safety, Health & Certification

When in 2011 the independent railway company "SNCB Logistics" - today Lineas – was founded from the former freight division of the public company SNCB, Jo took on the challenge of heading the safety department. Before this, he held several leading positions in safety management for 15 years at bpost. In Jo’s vision, the human factor takes a prior place in safety policies and change management. He implemented this vision in the safety approach at Lineas.

Understanding Workplace Reality: Have a Good Chat!

Safety is everyone's priority. But how do we take the employer at his word? The evolution from "blame culture" to “just culture" is based on trust in profound communication with our people on the shop floor. Dialogue is a skill and we need a framework for dialogue in our processes. Learning through conversations with our employees is a first step to improve individual behaviour. But the ultimate aim is to structurally improve our processes, organization and culture.