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Management Board Meeting 45 on 25 January 2018

Meeting place: Lille, France

Summary of decisions


  • adopted the minutes of the 44th meeting held on November the 29th 2017,
  • adopted an amendment to SPD 2018,
  • adopted the statement of estimates 2019,
  • endorsed the draft SPD 2019,
  • adopted a procedure for cooperation by the Agency and its staff in national judicial proceedings,
  • agreed that where part of the fees and charges payable by applicants to the Agency relates to the work performed for the NSAs to assess conformity with national rules, the Agency shall reimburse the relevant NSAs in full based on the calculation model for the NSA scope as defined in the Implementing Act on fees and charges,
  • agreed that external experts supporting the Agency in its tasks will be reimbursed at their individual hourly rate and that in case of a significant under-absorption of the costs paid to these external experts, support should be provided by the Commission to the Agency,
  • adopted a procedure for handling complaints lodged pursuant to Article 90 of the Staff Regulations,
  • adopted rules for the prevention and management of conflicts of interest in respect of participants in working parties and groups referred to in Article 5 § 2 of Regulation (EU) 2016/796, of the Agency staff and other staff not covered by the Staff Regulations / Framework for Good Administrative Behaviour of the European Union Agency for Railways,
  • adopted the Communication Plan 2018,
  • agreed to meet on 26 June 2018.