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Management Board Meeting 47 on 28 November 2018

Meeting place: Valenciennes, France

Summary of decisions


  • The minutes of the 46th Management Board meeting of 24 June 2018
  • Re-election of Hinne Groot as MB Deputy-Chair
  • DECISION n° 184 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways on establishing the criteria for nominating Board of Appeal members and appointing representatives for assessing the list of qualified candidates. 
    Prior to establishing the Board(s) of Appeal, the MB decided to firstly set the criteria on how potential candidates will be assessed.  The MB also decided on a list of names of MB members who would assess all the candidates and propose the most suitable ones to the MB for adoption.
  • DECISION n° 185 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways adopting rules on reimbursement of travel accommodation expenses and subsistence allowance for members of the Board of Appeals and other persons and on fees for experts envisaged under the Board(s) of Appeal Rules of Procedure.  
    This Decision refers to the rules on the reimbursement of expenses for members of the Board of Appeals and other persons envisaged under the Board(s) of Appeal Rules of Procedure. The rules define the details and amounts of travel, accommodation and daily allowances reimbursements for the BoA members as well as those of other experts including their fees.
  • DECISION n° 186 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways adopting the Single Programming Document 2019.  This Decision refers to the adoption of the Single Programming Document 2019.
    The document takes the opinion of the European Commission into account, according to article 25.2 (c) of the Agency Regulation, as well as the outcomes of the consultation process in the course of 2018.
  • DECISION n° 187 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways amending AB Decision n° 22/2008 adopting Rules on the reimbursement of expenses incurred by people from outside the ERA invited to attend meetings in an expert capacity and repealing AB Decision 4 dated 9 March 2006.
    This Decision amends AB Decision n°22/2008 and covers the scope and rules for reimbursing experts participating to the Agency’s meetings. The amendment was needed to ensure a balanced budget for SPD 2019.
  • DECISION n° 188 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways amending Decision n° 161 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways adopting the policy on monitoring the performance and decision‐making of National Safety Authorities (NSAs) adopted on 29 November 2017.
    This Decision amends MB Decision n°161/2017 and defines a targeted scope for the NSA monitoring. The amendment was needed to ensure a balanced budget for SPD 2019.
  • DECISION n° 189 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways on the practical modalities relating to recovery of costs incurred by the Agency for its assistance to Member States, candidate countries and stakeholders on training and other appropriate activities. 
    This Decision provides the Agency with the possibility to recover costs when engaging at the request of the Commission, Member States, candidate countries or the networks, in training and other appropriate activities concerning the application and explanation of railway safety and interoperability legislation and related products of the Agency such as registers, implementation guides and recommendations (Art. 43 of the Agency Regulation).
  • DECISION n° 190 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways adopting the budget and establishment plan 2019.
    This Decision refers to the adoption of the budget 2019 and the establishment plan 2019, based on communication COM(2013)519 of 10/07/2013 on the programming of human and financial resources for decentralised agencies 2014-2020.  
  • Agreed to meet on 24 January 2019 in Lille.