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Nora Balfe

Nora Balfe

Head of Human Factors

Dr. Nora Balfe is Head of Human Factors at Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail, where she leads a team in the application of human factors and development of a positive safety culture. She holds an MSc and PhD in human factors, and is a Fellow of the UK Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF). Her 20 years of experience spans the rail, aviation, and road transport industries and she has held positions in industry, academia, consultancy and safety regulation. 

Collaborative engagement on HF integration: The case of DART+ Fleet (with Vincent Pargade)

An overview of how HF has been applied on the DART+ New Fleet program at Irish Rail. The presentation will cover the IE HF process for assessing the HF impact of proposed changes, and the Alstom HF program of HF activities during the design of the new fleet.