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Pedro Moreira


With a long career in the CP Group, started by taking a course in industrial maintenance and electromechanics technician, at Fernave, a training company totally owned by CP – Comboios de Portugal, took a degree in Electrical Engineering in Electronics & Computers and in Automation and Systems, at ISEP - Engineering Institute of Oporto, with also a PDE, a General Management Program for Senior Executives, at AESE-Business School, in Oporto.

His career was totally built in the area of maintenance of rolling stock, beginning as a maintenance technician, and after took a degree, as a maintenance engineer and maintenance manager, with responsibilities in the maintaining the DMU600 and DMU450, and also in the maintenance of CPA 4000, the tilting trains and at High Speed Maintenance Business Unit of CP, of which he was responsible before taking up his current management role at CP.

Currently, he is the Vice-President of the Board of Directors of CP, and the interim President.

Board Member – Comboios de Portugal