Steven Shorrock
Senior Specialist Safety and Human Factors
Steven Shorrock is a work psychologist and human factors engineer. Since 1997, he has worked on human factors and safety projects internationally, focusing on human work in safety-critical environments. He works at EUROCONTROL and is Editor-in-Chief of EUROCONTROL's HindSight magazine, on human and organisational factors in operations. He blogs at humanisticsystems.com.
Learning from all operations: Understanding the reality of work-as-done
The reality of 'work-as-done’ (how things really get done) by everyone, in front-line, support, and management roles, influences all aspects of rail safety. This talk will explore and demystify: a) the realities of human work at all levels, b) understanding the realities of work, and c) improving the realities of work. Learning from all operations (how things go, not just how things go wrong) should be the aim of all efforts to improve safety and other goals.