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Vasco Paul Kolmorgen

Vasco Paul Kolmorgen, MSc in Transport Engineering, is an advocate for open standards and open data in the railway domain. He has been a key contributor to the railML organisation, fostering international collaboration in open-source software. Furthermore, he serves as the Managing Director of Bahnkonzept, a company specialised in infrastructure data based in Dresden, Germany. With over 20 years’ experience, his expertise lies in developing infrastructure data in the railway domain as well as facilitating seamless data exchange and interoperability across diverse railway applications. Mr. Kolmorgen has also significantly contributed to numerous railway research projects, such as ‘IDX4rail’ - focusing on railway and tram infrastructure data - and ‘Indres’ - focusing on infrastructure data for small private railway companies.

Infrastructure data from rail to RINF - Experiences from German open data project "Indres"