Vladimír Kampík

European Affairs Director
Vladimír graduated in 1998 in Railway signalling at the University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, CZ and joined AŽD Praha where he is currently working. He was first involved in R&D, then business development and now in company strategy and EU affairs. He is active in ERTMS domains at the UNIFE ERTMS and UNISIG Steering Committees. He is also a Member of governing board of Europe’s Rail and a promoter for ERTMS technology in Czech Republic within the spirit of Interoperability.
Moderator of WS5 How can ERTMS deployment for Trackside and On-board be accelerated
Interactive presentation and discussion on faster deployment of ERTMS in Europe. ERTMS deployment status quo will be presented and discussed. Then it will be presented a list of possible obstacles and hints for faster ERTMS deployment. Work in groups will put priorities on selected items. At the end of WS each of group will present their results and recommendations.