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Access to reference data

Every stakeholder in the RU/IM message exchange needs to register for the message exchange (see 23.3 on allocation of certificates) through the governance admin service. Following certification, the stakeholder has access to all location codes stored in the Central Repository Domain. The reference data can be used for all TAP and TAF purposes and related processes. To perform these processes, stakeholders may give the data to suppliers under the precondition that the stakeholder ensures the data is solely used for these purposes and is not used for other commercial activities. Access to all reference data will be provided through the use of a reference data service managed by the governance entity. This service will meet the requirements described in this Implementation Guide or as subsequently decided by the governance entity. Access requirements are not subject to approval by the TAP-CCM or TAF-CCM.
Telematics Applications for Passenger
Document Type
Origin document

TAP TSI Annex B.56 RU/IM Communication application_guide - version 1.0 of 06/12/2013

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