Recommendation ERA 1175-4 of the European Union Agency for Railways on amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 321/2013
Published: 28 January 2025
ERA recommendation setting out requirements applicable to the devices used to secure semitrailers onto freight wagons.
RECOMMENDATION ERA-REC-1175-4 OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AGENCY FOR RAILWAYS on amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 321/2013, setting out requirements applicable to the devices used to secure semitrailers onto freight wagons
English (729.82 KB - PDF)RECOMMENDATION ERA-REC-1175-4 Annex 1: Amendments to the WAG TSI
English (860.36 KB - PDF)RECOMMENDATION ERA-REC-1175-4 Annex 2: Full Impact Assessment - JNS Normal Procedure “Crosswind” Implementation of outcome of the SG 1 “AMOC”
English (839.47 KB - PDF)RECOMMENDATION ERA-REC-1175-4 Annexe 3: comments received
English (808.5 KB - PDF)