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What should one do when a Certificate replaces another one?

Pending discussions and decision at NB Rail level to find a harmonized procedure.

ERADIS offers two alternatives to replace a Certificate: AMEND and WITHDRAW.

  • AMEND. For traceability and transparency purposes when one certificate replaces another one, the most recent one can make reference to the previous one in ERADIS. If “Certificate 2” replaces “Certificate 1”, the procedure to do so can be the following:
  1. The NoBo submits “Certificate 1”
  2. ERA publishes “Certificate 1”
  3. The NoBo amends it with the “Certificate 2” (to amend a Certificate see Q.11). A link will be created between the 2 Certificates with the first one automatically appearing as the previous Certificate.
  • WITHDRAW. The second option to replace a Certificate is to withdraw (to withdraw a Certificate see Q.11) the previous Certificate and upload the latest one using the function “submit new EC Certificate”.

The main difference between these two options is the way they are labelled in the “Status” column in ERADIS.

  • Using the function withdraw, both Certificates are shown in the search results of ERADIS. The previous Certificate has “Withdrawn” status, while the latest Certificate’s status is “New”:


  • Using the function amend, only the latest Certificate appears in the search results of ERADIS, with “Amended” status. Nevertheless, the previous Certificate is not deleted from ERADIS, it is only “hidden”. It can be addressed from the latest Certificate (as shown in the image above in this same Q.12).