All conference presentations are uploaded in the agenda.
Should you have any questions, please contact the conference team at raildataforum2024era [dot] europa [dot] eu (raildataforum2024[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu).
– Welcoming Participants
- 16:00 - 18:00
Registration/Welcome cocktail
– Plenary
- 08:30 - 09:00
- 09:00 - 09:50
Opening: Keynote Speeches
- Josef Doppelbauer, ERA - Presentation
- Kristian Schmidt, European Commission - Video message
- Gilles Peterhans, UIP - Presentation
- Ian Conlon, EU-RAIL - Presentation
- Natalia Aristimuño Pérez, European Commission - Video message
- Veronika Heimsbakk, Capgemini Norway - Presentation
- 09:50 - 11:30
Session 1: Semantics driving FAIR data in Railways
Moderator: Fidel Santiago, European Commission
- Mathias Vanden Auweele, Infrabel - Presentation
- Cornelis Bouter, TNO - Presentation
- Bob Janssen, Ijzerweg- Presentation
- Christian Rahmig, DLR - Presentation
- Marina Aguado, ERA - Presentation
- Ralph Müller, DB InfraGO - Presentation
- 11:30 - 11:40
Coffee Break
- 11:40 - 13:15
Session 2: Data exchange standardisation in Telematics Technical Specifications for Interoperability
Moderator: Yann Seimandi, European Commission
- Ulf Bjersing, CEN TC 278 WG3 ITS - Presentation
- Brede Dammen, ENTUR - Presentation
- Christian Weber, Telematics Joint Sector Group - Presentation
- Adrien Decruyenaere, UIC - Presentation
- 13:15 - 14:15
Lunch Break
- 14:15 - 15:45
Session 3: Data supporting Railway Operations
Moderator: Airy Magnien, UIC
- Gerben Schut, Prorail - Presentation
- Vasco Paul Kolmorgen, railML - Presentation
- David Fontaine, TVS - Presentation
- Dragos Patru, ERA - Presentation
- Airy Magnien, UIC - Presentation
- 15:45 - 16:15
Coffee Break
- 16:15 - 17:45
Session 4: Data Providers and Data Consumers
Moderator: Harald Reisinger, RailNetEurope - Presentation
- Mathias Vanden Auweele, Infrabel - Presentation
- Miguel Figueres-Esteban, RENFE - Presentation
- Gilles Peterhans, UIP - Presentation - Presentation
- Julian Rojas Melendez, Ghent University, IMEC - Presentation
- Ingo Ritter, Deutsche Bahn AG - Presentation
- Roland Klüber, Consilis GmbH - Presentation
- 17:45 - 18:00
Day 1 Closure/concluding words
- Josef Doppelbauer, ERA
- 18:30 - 22:30
Networking dinner
– Workshops
- 09:00
Day 2 opening
- 09:00 - 10:30
Workshop Session A
#1. Driver’s Route book
Facilitator: Antonio d'Agostino, ERA
- Gerhard Anslinger, ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
- Alessandro Romano, RFI - Rete Ferroviaria Italiana - Presentation
#2. Infrastructure data as the backbone of railway data
Facilitator: Dragos Patru, ERA
- Götz Walther, VDV - Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen Association of German Transport Companies - Presentation
- David Fontaine, Schweizerische Trassenvergabestelle (TVS) - Presentation
- Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Presentation
#3. Telematics Passenger
Facilitator: Stefan Jugelt, ERA
- Ingo Ritter, Deutsche Bahn AG - Presentation
- Brede Dammen, ENTUR
#4. Telematics Freight
Facilitator: Mickael Varga, ERA - Presentation
- Roland Klüber, Consilis GmbH - Presentation
- Christian Weber, Telematics Joint Sector Group - Presentation
#5. Data Quality
- Mitchell Van Balen, ERA - Presentation
- Ghislain Atemezing, ERA
- Lorenzo Vannacci, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane - Presentation
- Caroline Bailleux, Belgian national safety authority - Presentation
- Rachele Poggi, ITF - Presentation
- 10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
- 11:00 - 12:30
Workshop Session A
#1. Driver’s Route book
Facilitator: Antonio d'Agostino, ERA
- Gerhard Anslinger, ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
- Alessandro Romano, RFI - Rete Ferroviaria Italiana - Presentation
#2. Infrastructure data as the backbone of railway data
Facilitator: Dragos Patru, ERA
- Götz Walther, VDV - Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen Association of German Transport Companies - Presentation
- David Fontaine, Schweizerische Trassenvergabestelle (TVS) - Presentation
- Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Presentation
#3. Telematics Passenger
Facilitator: Stefan Jugelt, ERA
- Ingo Ritter, Deutsche Bahn AG - Presentation
- Brede Dammen, ENTUR
#4. Telematics Freight
Facilitator: Mickael Varga, ERA - Presentation
- Roland Klüber, Consilis GmbH - Presentation
- Christian Weber, Telematics Joint Sector Group - Presentation
#5. Data Quality
- Mitchell Van Balen, ERA - Presentation
- Ghislain Atemezing, ERA
- Lorenzo Vannacci, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane - Presentation
- Caroline Bailleux, Belgian national safety authority - Presentation
- Rachele Poggi, ITF - Presentation
- 12:30 - 13:00
Closure of Conference / Concluding remarks
- Josef Doppelbauer, ERA
- 13:00 - 14:00
Light Lunch